Burson Ramsey Genealogy Files
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Education Week is forced to address the subject in 1996




    Genealogists:  Use of the genealogy on this site is at the user's risk.  No guarantee is made or implied that the information contained herein is without error.    
I do not claim original authorship of this genealogical material.  These are personal files I use for my own research into these lines that I have uploaded to this website so that others might have access to these resources and together we might add to our historical understanding of our family.  The information contained on this site is for the user's convenience and reference only; anyone requiring accurate information should verify such information by seeking professional assistance and/or by conducting further research on their own.  Unfortunately, in transferring the files back and forth from one program to another, the Notes sections sometimes become garbled.  I include them for my own purposes (to read directly) and for your benefit.  This is a not for profit website personally administered by myself for my family and our "cousins."  Please visit the genealogy websites such as Ancestry.com, Genforum.com, Rootsweb.com and consider the sources.  We are all in the quest for the truth of our lineage. 
