Education, Religious Liberty, Marriage/Family, Parental Rights, Right
to Life, Constitution, Human Services, Government Ops,
Revenue/Taxation, Judiciary/Law Enforcement, state Sovereignty,
Health/Medicine, Economy, Business/Labor, Environment
We encourage our members to get involved in researching these issues
and then lobbying our leaders to support the family values that
legislation in these areas affect.
The Eagle Forum has been a leader of the Pro-Family Movement since
1972. We see the world through a Conservative prism and honor
traditional values. We lobby and act on those beliefs attempting to
educate leaders on the issues that are dear to our hearts. Faith,
Family, and Freedom motivate our desire to make a difference.
Panhandle Eagle Forum began with Sharman Ramsey as its first president.
Believing that "All Politics is local" and that positions on all local
boards are the training grounds and preparation for higher government
positions, the Panhandle Eagle Forum challenges local leaders to
understand all the Pro-Family issues. The Panhandle Eagle Forum hosts
candidate forums to discuss these issues. While state and national
leadership is important, local elections that include school boards,
city and county commissions are equally vital as they produce the
leaders of tomorrow.
Senators: Marco Rubio and Bill Nelson
Congressman District 2: Neal Dunn
Area State Representatives: Brad Drake, Jay Trumbull, Halsey Bashears
State Senator: George Gainer