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A Simply Southern Wedding.





Order through Mercer University Press






Mary, through her poetry, gives us a picture of life as so many of us know it.  She shares her thoughts and feelings.  Mary is also a talented designer of formal wear.  She once designed wedding dresses and now focuses on Prom dresses.  She and her husband Max have sold these beautiful creations all over the country and own a chain of shops named, appropriately, Andrews Bridal Shop.

Sharman Burson Ramsey

Mary Andrews

The Trade Off
I passed a mirror on my way,
Its image haunted me that day.
It wasn't me-how could it be
Just some trick being played, you see.
For I remember  being young,
And tall. And thin.  And blond.
In fashion, I was quite a sight,
with hair  just so, and clothes just right.
But wait!! What is this I hear?
Little feet are drawing near!
With giggles pealing like silver bells,
they fill my arms, and I can tell,
no place for thoughts I can not carry,
for they are calling their "GrandMary!


"Stickle Me, Brooks!, Cause I want to play!"
Rosemary teased, as she ran away.
"Cooper! Come on!! Chase me and hide.
 Lets run down the hall, at the end we can slide!"

 It's been school work, and busy, all day long,
 now  Mama's in the kitchen, and Daddy's at home.
When supper is ready, we'll sit down and pray,
to thank God for each other, and for blessing our day.

 Now it's homework, and fun time, and stories to tell,
and time to relax, and sit for a spell.
As night settles down, our day is complete,
and we're off to our beds, to fall fast asleep.

 Mary Andrews





Copyright 1996  These are my own working genealogy files that I share with you.  The errors are my own.  But, perhaps they will give you a starting point.  All original writing is copyrighted.  Webmaster

Copyright 1996  These are my own working genealogy files that I share with you.  The errors are my own.  But, perhaps they will give you a starting point.  All original writing is copyrighted.  Webmaster