Ramsay Family Notes

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Ramsay Notes from New York Public Library

Ramsey Analysis of DNA Group 1, Family 4
Ramsey DNA
Ramsey Pictures
Ramsey /ay DNA Project
Ramsey Genealogy from Carolyn Ramsey on Descendancy from John Ramsey, Jr. of Maryland (before DNA thought to be also the Dothan Ramsey Line) DNA has proven this incorrect.
Ramsey2  Ramsey Genealogy continued
Ramsey3  Ramsey Genealogy continued
Ramsey Family Notes Ramsay Notes from New York Public Library
Ramsey Pictures of Dothan, Alabama
Ramseys and Recipes
Speculation on origin of this line
Scots Irish Timeline
Covenanters martyrs and transport
Ramsey links

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin, Vol. 29, No. 1.

William RAMSEY and Pretiotia TYDINGS. They were married in 1685, according to Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin, Vol. 29, No. 1.

Robert W. Barnes, Baltimore County Families, 1659-1759, p. 515

Poteet, William, purch. 100 a. Harris' Delight from John and Dorothy Harris on 4 June 1735; d. by 6 May 1741 when admin bond was posted by Johanna Poteet with Abraham Jarrett and William Crabtree, jr.; William m. Jane (or Johanna) Stewart on 12 June 1733; she m. 2nd by 1 Dec. 1744 John Ramsey, on which day they admin William's est;: had issue:  John b. 29 May 1734; Isabel, b. 22 Dec. 1736; Mary; b. 31 Aug. 1739 (5:1; 12:473; 36;209; 74: 224; 128: 76, 80,98,105). 

Baltimore County Families, 1659-1759, p. 527

Ramsay, Ramsey, William 1), progenitor, acquired Leafe's Chance and William the Conqueror; m. Pretiotia (____) d. in A.A. County, leaving a will, 12 May 1689--20 June 1689, naming w. Pretiotia, and these children: Charles (eldest, to have land in Balt. County, William, John (121:44;211).

Ramsay, Charles (2) son of William (1) was in Baltimore County by 1692 as a taxable in Spesutia Hund,: m. by March 1691/2 Elizabeth widow of John Whalley and daughter of Thomas Thurston and on 2 Nov. 1692 Charles and w. Elizabeth conv. Simms choice to Michael Judd in 1696 they conv. part Leafe's Chance to William Lennox, and in 1703/4 conveyed part of same tract to Edward selby; Charles and w. Elizabeth (who died May 1710) had issue:  Thomas: b. 4 Feb, 1692, Mary b. 17 August 1695, Elizabeth b. 17 Dec. 1697, Ann, b. 9 April 1700, Charles b. 10 May 1702; William b. c. 1703 (10, 152, 21: 379, 59: 356, 128: 3, 4, 10, 14; 129: 209; 138; 341: 121, 122).

John Ramsay, 3/ son of William 1) may be the John who was in Baltimore County by 1695 as a taxable in Spesutia Hundred (140).

Ramsay, Thomas 4) son of Charles (2 was born 4 February 1692/3 m. Rachel (____) on 30 June 1721 conveyed to Simon Pearson of Baltimore County any lands Thomas had laid claim to on 8 January 1716; had issue Thomas b. 23 February 1720/1 (69:1; 131).

Ramsay, Charles (5) son of Charles (2) was born 10 May 1702 age 12 last 10 May, in June 1713 was bd to John and Mary Bond to age 21 in Aug 1719 was bd to his brother Thomas Ramsey (2)j

Ramsay, William (6) son of Charles was b., c. 1703 (age 10 this 10 June; in June 1713 was bd to William Bond and w. Elizabeth to age 21 m. Elizabeth Dew on 21 Dec. 1730 and had issue 18 July 1736; William b. 9 Jan. 1738; Charles b. 11 Feb. 1740; Mary, b. 13 Nov. 1742; John, b. 29 Oct. 1748 (21: 381; 73: 82; 128:71: 129: 338, 364: 153: 85).

Ramsey, James m. Elizabeth Milam on 3 Jan. 1733 (133: 151)

p. 528

Ramsey, John, m. Christian (____), and had issue: Eleanor b. 27 June 1741 (128: 115).

 Ramsey John, Jr., m. by 1 Dec. 1744, Joanna, admnx of William Poteet: had Issue:  Christian, b. 18 Feb. 1743; William, b. 18 Feb. 1743 (5:4; 131:118/r).

Ramsey, Nathaniel, m. by 11 Sept 1751, Sarah Extx of John Miller (209-35:80).

Ramsey, Thomas was in Baltimore County by August 1673 when he purchased 100 a Fareall from John George on 3 June 1674 Ramsey sold the tract to John West (99:347; 100: 117).

As Mrs. MacIntyre who did so much research on the Ramsey family apparently thought Ramsey/ay and Rumsey might have been connected I will include the information on Rumseys from the Early Harford Countians:

Wm. Wilkinson, Early Harford Countians,

                                Following each entry is the source of information. These are identified bya letter or letter-number and are explained below:
 I (A) = Tax Lists of 1783: Property owners, heads of household, names of tracts, number of white
 ! inhabitants, single men, and paupers. (With all due respect to the publication of these lists by Bet tie Carothers in 1978, the original lists were checked and many errors were detected in her book. Those mistakes have been corrected herein).
                                (B) = Census of 1776: Families, individuals, slaves, hired hands, servants, and ages, plus their areas of residence, known as "hundreds" (Incomplete. One-half of this census is missing). Extant lists were published in Maryland Records, Vol. II, by Gaius M. Brumbaugh (1915) and Bet tie Carothers (n.d.) whose work has been reprinted by Family Line Publications.
                                (C) = Tax Lists of 1778: Taxables only (free white males aged 18 years and upwards, and slaves of all ages). (Copied by William Wilkins of Baltimore, Maryland in 1959, but never published).
                                (D) = Gleanings from the Medical Ledgers of Dr. John Archer: Ledger "F" (from 1779 to 1790) is coded "Dl," and Ledger "D" (from 1773 to 1775) is coded "D2." (Original ledger "P" is in the Manuscripts Division of the Maryland Historical Society, and original ledger "D" is in the Manuscripts Division of the Historical Society of Harford County}.
                                (E) = Orphans Court Proceedings, 1778-1810: Only those events (primarily orphans, indentures, and dates of birth) mentioned between 1774 and 1790 were abstracted. Records are in the Harford County Courthouse. One should also consult Abstracts of the Orphans Court Proceed- ings of Harford County, 1778-1800, byHenryC. Peden, Jr. (lm).
(F) = Family Bible Records (collected by the DAR). Records are available at the Maryland Historical Society Library and the Library of the Historical Society of Harford County. One should also consult the Inventory of Mary/and Bib/e Recordr published by the Genealogical Council of Maryland (1989).
                               (G) = The Historical Society of Harford County. Source "Gl" is information from the Society's "Bulletin, " including the genealogical notes of Jon Harlan Livezey. Source "G2" is a list of presidential electors of Harford County in 1789.
                               (H) = History of Harford County, by Walter W. Preston (1901).
                               (I) = Index to Estate Administrations. 1774-1790, and also supplemented with the names of the administrators. For more information one should consult Heirs and Legatees of Harford County, 1774-1802, by Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1989).
                               (J) = Births and Deaths from the Registers ofSt John's and St George's Parishes (only events between lm and 1790 were abstracted). For more information one should consult SL John's andSL Geotge's Parish Register; 1696-1851, by Henry C. Peden,Jr. (1987) andSL Geotge'sParish Registers, 1689-1793, by Bill and Martha Reamy (1988).
                               (K) = Criminal Court Dockets, 1778-1788 (Incomplete). The o~ are maintained at the
                               Maryland State Archives. -
                               (L) = Index to Land Records, 1774-1790: Grantors, grantees, and years of the conveyances (Harford County Courthouse).
                               (M) = Marriage Records, 1774-1790 held at the Harford County Courthouse. (Records are mi~~ingfrom 1774 to 1778, and 1786 to 1790). Information has been supplemented with marriage lists maintained in the Manuscript Division (MS.1999) of the Maryland Historical Society. Beware that the marriages published in Vol VIII of Publications of the Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania (in 1923) contain many mistakes. A more accurate listing will be found in Mary/and Marriages, 1634-1777, by Robert W .Barnes (1975), andMary/andMaITiages, 1778-1800, by Robert W. Barnes (1979).
                               (N) = Non-Associat 10, 1775: List maintained by the Manuscript Division (MS.1814) of the Maryland Historical Society.
                               (0) = Our Harford Heritage, by C. Milton Wright (1967).
                               (P) = Genealogical Colledions of Henry C. Peden, Jr.
                              (a) = Quaker Records of Harford County: Source "a1" relates to the Deer Creek Monthly Meeting. Source "a2" relates to Little Falls Monthly Meeting. Records are on microfilm at the


Bibliography Page 2 of bibliography for Early Harford Countians

p. 386

Ramsay and Hollyday.  Conveyance to Ignatius Wheeler in 1783.  (Ref. L).

Ramsay, Andrew.  Private in county militia, 1775-1776.  (Ref: R).

Ramsay, Elizabeth.  Marriage license to Robert Scotland on July 8, 1780. (Ref: M)>

Ramsay, William C.  Conveyance to William Crisswell in 1783. (Ref: L).

Ramsay, William.  Head of household of 5 in 1790.  (Ref: @).

Ramsey Family.  See William and Mary Ramsey in 1776. (Ref: B).  Census of 1776

Ramsey, Alisabeth (of William).  Age 17 in 1776 (Ref: B).

Ramsey, Andrew (of William.  Age 22 in 1776.  (Ref: B).

Ramsey, Andrew.  Private in the Harford Rifles in 1776, and Ensign in Deer Creek Battalion of Militia in 1779.(Ref: R).

Ramsey, Andrew.  Taxable in Susquehanna Hundred in 1778.  (Ref: C).

Ramsey, Andrew.  Taxable in susquehanna Hundred in 1775, living in household of William Ramsey.  (Ref: U).

Ramsey, James (Of William).  Age 14 in 1776.  (Ref. B).

Ramsey, Jane (of William.  Age 14 in 1776.  (Ref: B).

Ramsey, John.  Taxable in Susquehanna Hundred in 1778.  (Ref C).  Tax lists of 1778.

Ramsey, Mary.  Age 40 in 1776.  Wife of William Ramsey (Ref: B).k

Ramsey, Nathaniel.  Landowner in Gunpowder River area in 1783.  Tract: part of "Jones Inheritance." (Ref: A).

Ramsey, Nathaniel Esq.  Marriage licese to Charlotte Hall on January 7, 1790, and were married in Cecil County.  (Ref: M).

Ramsey, Salina.  Marriage license to William Hall on December 2, 1782. (Ref: M).

Ramsey, Thomas (of William).  Age 3 in 1776. (Ref: B).

Ramsey, William (of William).  Age 7 in 1776.  (Ref: B).

Ramsey, William.  Age 53 in 1776, Susquehanna Hundred.  Mary, age 40; Andrew, age 22; Alisabeth, Thomas, age 3.  William owned 2 negroes, but no names were given in the census.  (Ref: B).

Ramsey, William.  Landowner (4 white inhabitants in Susquehanna Hundred in 1783.  Tract:  Greenspring Forest." (Ref: A).

Ramsey, William.  Presidential elector in 1789. (Ref: G2).

Ramsey, William.  Taxable in Susquehanna Hundred in 1778.  (Ref: C).

Ramsey, William. Taxable in Susquehanna Hundred in 1778.  (Ref: C).

Ramsey William.  Taxable in Susquehanna Hundred in 1774, with taxable Andrew Ramsey.  (Ref: U).


Rumsey family:  See "John and Martha Rumsey in 1776. (ref: B)

Rumsey, Benjamin (Colonel) Executor of John Day (Of Edward) in February, 1784. (Ref.: W)

Rumsey, Benjamin, (et al) Conveyance from Samuel Budd in 1787. (Ref: L)

Rumsey Benjamin and John.  Issued a license to be retailers of spiritous liquors in August, 1788. (Ref: Y2)

Rumsey, Benjamin, Captain county militia in 1775-76 and subsequently rose to the rank of Colonel.  (Ref: R).

Rumsey, Benjamin.  Committee of Safety member in 1774. (Ref: H)

Rumsey, Benjamin.  conveyances from Onion's executors in 1784, from Martha Tolley in 1783, from Stephen and Hannah Onion in 1781, from James Rigbie in 1777, from William and Hannah McComas (Exec.) in 1787, from James Christie, Jr. in 1775, from Edward Day in 1782, and conveyances to John Rumsey in 1781, 1785, 1788, Matthew Tolley in 1781, Joseph West in 1783, Samuel Budd in 1787, and James Calhoun in 1787, and fro John Rumsey (et al) in 1785.

Rumsey, Benjamin.  Elected February 22, 1775 to serve on the committee of License in Gunpower Lower Hundred (Ref: X)

Benjamin Rumsey.  Head of household of 7 in 1790.

Rumsey, Benjamin.  Landowner (8 white inhabitants) in Gunpowder river area in 1783.  Tracts:  Briarton's Troubles, Westminster, hall's Pasture Ground, Richardson's Reserve, Good Endeavour, Ann's Delight, Risteau's Security, Father's Last Will, Masxwell's Addiction, York's Hope, Cabbin neck and part of Bridewell Dock, including property held for Phebe Maxwell and lots held in Joppa as guardian for the Maxwell heirs. (Ref: A).

Rumsey, Benjamin.  Over age 18 in 1778, Gunpowder Lower Hundred.  (Ref: C).

Rumsey, Benjamin.  Overseer of roads, 1785-1788. (Ref: Y2).

Rumsey, Benjamin.  Owner of 26 slaves in 1790.  (Ref: W).

Rumsey, Benjamin.  Represented Gunpowder Lower Hundred Hundred at the Provincial Convention in 1775. (Ref: H).

Rumsey, Benjamin.  Resident of Joppa who was a member of the Continental Congress and was appointed Judge of the High Court of Appeals for Maryland in 1778. (Ref: P)

Rumsey, Benjamin, Solicitor for Association of Freemen in Gunpowder Lower Hundred in 1776. (Ref: H).

Rumsey, Benjamin. Taxable in Gunpowder Lower Hundred in 1774 with taxable William Scott and slaves, Sambo, Lonnon, Scipio, Ceasar, Satee, Betty, Rainey, and Bridgett. (Ref: &).

Rumsey, Benjamin, Esq. Taxable in Gunpowder Lower Hundred in 1776, with Negroes Cook, Rambo, Santee, Jupiter, London and illegible others (page soiled and torn). (Ref V)

Rumsey, Benjamin, Esq., and Mary.  Certificates of survey issued to them for "Ann's Delight" and Rosteaus Security on August 5, 1786 and Ann's Delight Resurveyed on July 16, 1787.  (Ref: Z)

Rumsey, Benjamin, Jr. Born about 1775 and buried on January 20, 1700. (Ref: J)

Rumsey, Hannah.  Marriage license to Henry Rumsey, Esq., on November 13, 1788. (Ref: M)

Rumsey, Harriet (of John).  Age 4 in 1776 (Ref: B).

Rumsey, Henry and Hannah.  See "Maria Rumsey" in 1790.

Rumsey, Henry, Esq.  Marriage license to Hannah Rumsey on November 13, 1788.  (Ref: M)>

Rumsey, John (et al).  Conveyance to Benjamin Rumsey in 1785. (Ref. Y2)

Rumsey, John and Benjamin.  Storekeeper license issue in August, 1785. (Ref:L)

Rumsey, John.  Age 33 in 1776, Susquehanna Hundred.  Martha, age 38; Haritt age 4, Mary, age 2.  John Rumsey owned 14 negroes, but no names were given in census.  (Ref: B).

Rumsey, John.  Conveyance from Onion's Executors in 1784.  (Ref: L)

Rumsey, John.  Conveyance from Isaac Webster in 1784. (Ref: l).

Rumsey, John.  conveyance from William and Hannah McComas in 1787. (Ref: L).

Rumsey, John.  Conveyances from Benjamin Rumsey in 1781, 1785, and 1788, and to Preston and Webster in 1790. (Ref: L)

Rumsey, John.  Elected February 22, 1775 to serve on the Committee of License in Susquehanna Hundred. (Ref: X).

Rumsey, John.  Executor of his deceased mother Sabina Rigbie ("late of Cecil Co., now of Harford Co." in 1779. (Ref: W).

Rumsey, John.  Head of household of 7 in 1790. (Ref: @).

Rumsey, John.  Justice of the Peace in Joppa in 1788.  (REf: M).  Justice of the County Court in 1780 and 1781, and Marshall of the Orphan's court in 1781. (Ref: Y1).

Rumsey, John.  Land commission recorded in 1774. (Ref: L).

Rumsey, John.  Landowner (8 white inhabitants0 in 17832 in Susquehanna Hundred ("Greenspring Forest" and Spesutia Upper Hundred ("Rough Stone: and "Isaac's Delight") plus some property in Joppa (Ref: A)

Rumsey, John.  Owner of 41 slaves in 1790. (Ref. S)

Rumsey, John.  Private in county militia in 1775.  (Ref: R).

Rumsey, John.  Represented Susquehanna Hundred at the Provincial Convention in 1775.  (Ref: H)

Rumsey, John.  Taxable in Susquehanna Hundred in 1774, with Negroes Pollidore, Ceasar, Millford, Parina, Nan and Beautrice. (Ref: U)

Rumsey, John.  Vestryman of St. George's in 1779-1780. (Ref: J)

Rumsey, John, Esq. Certificates of Survey issued to him for Onion's Sweaty Banks on May 15, 1789.  (Ref: Z).

Rumsey, John, Esq.  Presidential elector in 1789.  (Ref. G2).

Rumsey, John, Esq.  Treated by Dr. Archer in September, 1783, (Ref: D1).

Rumsey, Maria (of Henry and Hannah).  Born on June 7, 1790. (Ref: J)

Rumsey, Martha.  Age 38 in 1776.  Wife of John Rumsey.  (Ref: B).

Rumsey, Mary (of John).  Age 2 in 1776.  Wife of John Rumsey.  (Ref: B).

Rumsey, Mary.  Executrix of her deceased father John Hall in May, 1774.  (Ref: @).

Rumsey, Mary.  See Benjamin Rumsey, Esq in 1786.  (Ref: Z).


St. George's Parish Register,

p. 39

June 12th 1733 then was William Putteet m. to Joan Stewart

P. 42

May 29th 1734 then was b. John Putteet (sic) s/o William Poteet and Joan his wife.

p. 54

December 22d 1736 then was b. Isabel Putteet d/o William Putteet and Jane his wife.

p. 64

Elianor Ramsey d/o John Ramsey and Christian his wife b. 27 June 1741

Map Chester County Map

p. 610 Baltimore County Familes 91659-1759)  Does our Johanna (Jane) Stewart who married John Ramsey belong to any of these?

Stewart/ Steuart/Steward/ Stuart, David 10 was in Maryland at least by 15 February 1670 when he wit. the will of Abram Delap; d. in A.A. Co., 11 Oct. 1696--21 May 1697, naming w. Margaret and ch.: David, Robert, Charles and James, believed to have been the father of DAVID, d. 1703; CHARLES; ROBERT, b. c 1675 d. 1740 having m. Susanna Watts; James, bapt 28 Jan, 1699; Elizabeth m. John Frizzell; Mary, m. _____Davis (120: 60; 121: 128: 122:25).

Stewart, James (w) son of David was baptized as a young man on 28 Jan 1699 in All Hallow's Parish; A.A. Co.; m. Rachel Wuncholl on 21 July 1710; may have d. c. 1752, in A.A. Co.; had issue David, baptized 8 Oct 1717; Margaret, bapt 18 Oct 1717; James, bapt 18 Aug. 1723 (210-1:55, 280, 322).

Stewart, Alexander, m. Sarah ____and had issue Ann b. 24 July 1748 (133:102).

Stewart, Aswell, orphan of Elizabeth in Nov. 1741 was bound to John and Ann Norris (33: 157).

Stewart Charles, m. Mary _________and had Jane b. 8 June 1742; James b. 2 June 1744 (129: 337, 337).

Stewart, Cicely, in Aug. 1720 names John Wilde as the father of her child (23:365).

Stewart Cornelius, m. Mary Low on 25 Nov. 1747 (131).

Stewart Elizabeth, mulatto ch. of Elizabeth Stewart (who had run away), was bound to John and Ann Norris in Nov. 1716 to age 31 (22:61).

Stewart Elizabeth, was ind. for bast. in March 1733/4, tried in Nov. 1744, ind. in March 1745/6, and tried in June 1746 (35:: 154, 389, 800; 36:7).

Stewart, Isabella, in Aug. 1715 was ind. for bast. (wq;624).

Stewart, Joan, dau of Elia Lewis, in Feb. 1720 was named as a legatee of Anthony Drew (1:151).

Stewart, Margaret, was ind. for bast. in Nov. 1719 (23: 245).

Ramsay Family Notes Compiled by Mary B. MacIntyre, New York, 1936 (New York Public Library APV/Ramsay.

These notes are in Ms. MacIntyre's handwriting (often difficult to read).  I am merely transcribing them here so that other genealogists can help us put the pieces together.

Harford County, Maryland{Close to Pa.Live)

151 R 16 2

Cunningham S. (ample) Ramsay m. Apr. 20, 1825  Ann H. Bagley

151 Hannah Ramsay m. July 8, 1781 Robert Scotland

155 Charlotte Ramsay m. Dec. 10, 1798 Edward Aquila Howard

159 Thomas Ramsay m. June 9, 1807 Elizabeth Whiteford

(See More Mar. p. 5)

South Carolina Magazine v. 24, p. 39. From Charleston Gazette)

Cunningham Sample Ramsey

Died Tues. noon Aug. 29, 1797--Cunningham Sample Ramsey a.m. of the University of Pennsylvania, Patterly teacher of languages in the assoc. acad. this city (Charleston S.C.) a young gentleman of most amiable manners and promising talents", (It would seem that two of such similar names should be related.)

See Frithey and Cope's Chester Co. Pa. on Ramsey Family, p. 704.

Dr. David Ramsay m. 1st Feb. 9, 1775 Sabina Ellis at Charleston, daughter of late Wm. Ellis Merchant p. 21--Sally's Rec. from Charleston Gazette

South Carolina Magazine vol 10, p. 223 She died June 5, 1776 Charleston

He married 20 in Philadelphia Apr. 1783, Frances Witherspoon, daughter of Dr. John Witherspoon, President of Princeton, She died Dec. 14, 1784  (South Carolina Magazine v.v. 18, 0. 40, v. 19, 0. 113.

He married  (v. 20, p. 261) 3) in Charleston, Jan. 23, 1787 Martha Laurens b. Nov. 9, 1759, d. June 10 181_

daughter of Henry Laurens and Eleanor (Ball) d. of Elias Ball (v. 20, p. 131)

v. 24, p. 5 she d.

Henry Laurens had a brother James whose widow was living in Henry's household (James Laurens married Aug. 19, 1761 Mrs. Mary Crawford, widow of Frances Crawford) SCMPac.v.p.22

In a letter of Henry Laurens dated 23 Apr. 178 he refers to his daus. Martha and Eleanor and his brother's widow Mary, also--a gr. dau Frances Eleanor, dau of John Laurens. Mary Laurens, widow of James arrived from England 11 May 1785.  James was a Merchant.


v. 13, p. 25  St. Andrews Parish--Mary Ramsey m. May 17, 1727 John Givan

So. Car. Mag. v. 7, p. 223

Bounty grant to Surgeon Joseph Hall Ramsey (Rev. soldier)

v. 19, 0. 13 James Ramsay witnessed will of Gov Thomas Smith of S.C. Nov. 21, 1694.

v. 20, p. 216.  Dr. Joseph Ramsey m. Nov. 12, 1786 Mary Tinnet

dau. of Rev. Wm. Tennent, dec'd, pastor of Indep. Ch. Charleston

v. 20, p. 40.  Dr. David Ramsey is recorded in conveyance by James Postell to view the plantation, formerly Elliott property "Paradise" of 69 acres in 1792.  He held it until 1811 when he sold it to James F. Edwards.

v. 19, p. 140

Died at Alexandria Va. in 69th year.  William Ramsey b. abt. 1717 March 1785

v. 43, p. 93  Henry Ramsey 1st Lt. Aug. 1778-1780 (overtook of John F. Grimke's

v. 20, p. 106  Cattell heirs conveyed 20 Oct. 1846 to John A. Ramsay "the Oaks", a plantation on Ashley River.

v. 21, p. 59.  The family of Mr. John Deas came with him from London in ship "Brittania", Cap. Sam'l Ball, Master Jan. 1772. 

v. 20, p. 231

Note:  John Deas m. May 3, 1759 Elizabeth Allen and had son James Sutherland (vcii PA 45)

v. 24, p. 32 m. Jan. 21, 1808 Margaret R. Ch____

Dr. John Ramsey m. Mch. 21, 1797 Mrs. Deas , widow of the late John Deas Jr., Esq. (James Sutherland Deas m. Jan 21, 1808 Margaret Rebecca Chestnut b. 1781

More Harford Co. Md. mar. cont'd from p. 1 from Gen. Soc. Pa. Lib., v. 3, p. 62

Wm. Long Forward m. Mch 2, 1826 Mary E. Forward

John C. Forward m. Dec. 22, 1828 Hannah Warner

Mary Stump m. __ly 20, 1813 Abraham J. Thomas

Hannah Cooper m. May 6, 1807 Abraham Hays

John Forward 3d m. Dec. 6, 1803 Mary Loney

Elizabeth Stump m. Nov. 13, 1804 Abraham Jarrett

p. 154

Jane Forward m. Jan 16, 1792 Josiah Matthews

Samuel Forward m. Oct. 28, 1794 Mary Murray

Samuel Forward m. June 13, 1795 Ann Perkins

Hannah Forward m. Dec. 3, 1782 David Konklin

Biog. Direct Amr. Cong. p. 1441


Alexander Ramsey b. near Harrisburg Pa. in 1815 d. 1903 St. Paul, Ramsey Co., Minn

Robert Ramsey b. 1780 Warminster Tsp Bucks Co. Pa. d. there 1849 buried Neshaminy yard

William Ramsey b. 1779 Cumberland Co., d. 1831 Carlisle Pa. was surveyor for Cumberland Co., {he m. _______Clark July 5, 1804 of Clark's Ferry}

William Sterrett Ramsey b. 1810 Carlisle Pa. d. 1840 Baltimore buried Carlisle


Egle's Pa. gen

p. 259  John Ramsey of Carlisle Pa. had a daughter Martha who m. Thomas Brooks b. Carlisle Pa 1780 of John Brooks who came from Fermanagh to Elizabethtown Lancaster

Thomas and Martha (Ramsey) Brooks had ch.: Clarissa and John Ramsey Brooks

p. 470 Elizabeth Ramsey d. Apr. 14, 1852.  Shee m. as 1st wife John Simpson b. 1798 Paxtaug bore; of Huntingdon

John Murray Simpson

Their ch.: were Anna m.

Lydia m.

George A.

James Randolph

p. 541 Colonel Reynolds A. Ramsey m. 1st wife Miss Roan (note:  was she related to Pastor John Roan?)

p. 548 Mary Black, dau. of John and Mary Robinson Black of Shearman's Valley) m. Mr. Ramsey

p. 619  William Ramsey m. July 3, 1884 Clara Winona Labaugh


Gen. Soc. Pa. v. 8, p. 74 Path Valley Chambersburg Pa. Church Rec.

Henry Ramsay m. May 12, 1831 Rebecca Cooper

Kitty Ramsey m. Oct 14, 1800 Mr. Findley

v. 10, p. 294 Westmoreland Co. Pa.

Abraham Ramsey m. 14 Mch. 1798 Grace Smith


St. James Church Lancaster, Pa. (Egle's Notes and Queries-An. Vol. 1897)

p. 12 Wm. Ramsay (of Franklin Co., Pa.?) (Egle's Pa Gen.)m. June 20, 1766 Margaret McCleland

p. 14 Charles Cunningham m. June 20, 1768 Margaret Evans

George Cunningham m. Mch. 20, 1769 Rugh Morgan

p. 18 Hugh Cunningham m. June 29, 1769 Alice Grew

p. 21 James Cunningham m. Dec. 26, 1771 Rebecca McConnolie


S.C. Magazine v. 20, p. 261 Major William Cunningham d. at Nassau, June 20, 1787.k

v. 22, p. 36 Patrick Cunningham m. 16 June 1766 Jane Tweedy.



Gen. Soc. Pa., vol. 9, p. 259

Ronaldson's Cem. Phila.

William Ramsey d. Aug. 26, 1834 at 47 yrs (b. 1787)

p. 306 Cumberland Co. Pa. marriages

Mary Ramsey m. Apr. 2, 1795 Andrew Dickson

p. 318 Margaret Ramsey m. Thomas McCalla  (b.SC 1733-1815)

p. 191 John Ramsay m. Elizabeth Pedan of York Co. Pa (Susan Pedan sister of E. above m. James Stewart...

Rebecca Pedan (sister of E. above) m. William Boyle

p. 191 footnote says James and Benjamin Pedan were of Chaunceford Tsp of York. o., Pa before the Reb.)

v. 10, p. 49  Hugh Ramsay m. Apr. 8, 1782 Margaret McHargue (see Paxton)

David Ramsay m. Mch 13, 1788 Martha Graham

p. 28 Petty Ramsay m. May 8, 1794 Major Samuel Jackson of Mifflintown dau. of James Ramsay of Carlisle


Cummius; Hist. Warren Co., N.J.

p. 406  Adam Ramsay of Co. Tyrone, Ireland settled in Greenwich township,Warren Co., N. J.]

p.v., 31 Greenwich N.J. Presb Church, Warren C., N.J.

Adam Ramsey and Mary had bp. Nov., 1801 James Ramsey

Adam Ramsey and Ann had bp 10 Feb. 1807 Adam Ramsey

Hanna's Sc. Ir. v. 2, p. 96

William Ramsey was of Fairfield J. J. (Think dates MBM Error 1690-04) son of James and Jane Montgomery (Son of James and Brother of Dr. David) N. J. Mar. lic. J. H. Arch. v. 22 ser 1 p. 319.

William Ramsey of Fairfield d. in Feb. 20 1759 Sarah Seeley (dau. of Dr. Ephraim Seeley) of Deerfield

XZ p.v.31 qst Presbyterian Church Greenwich N.J.

James Ramsey of Sussex County m. 20 Jan 1805 Caty Hen Huntingdon (?) Co.

(Margaret Ramsey, Sussex Co. m. 23 Aug. 1803 Wm. Viete

Thse are probably related to Adam Ramsey above


Note that Wm. Ramsay and Saran Seeley had 5 sons:  One sons be the Ephraim Ramsey who mar. in Charleston S.C. Mary Walker Feb. 22, 1790 and named HiHierson David b. Aug. 10, 1791? (yes, o.k.) It would be quite likely that Dr. David Ramsey would have a nephew Ephrai R. in Charleston and that Ephraim would name a son for his uncle.


Pa. Archives ser. 2. v. 9

Marriages 3rd Presb. Phila

Benjamin Ramsey m. 20 May 1787 Esther Gibbs

William Ramsey m. 18 Mch 1744 Catherine Reynolds

2nd Presb. Ch. Phila.

p. 589 Ann Ramsey m. # Dec. 1801 James McKean

Mary Ramsey m. July 1795 William Burk

Sarah Ramsey m.  _Oct. 1803 John Primrose

p. 58 Old Swedes

Charles Ramsey m. 11: r: 1740 Margaret Pickin

John Ramsey m. 11:17:1727 Gerkin Bartleson

Joseph Ramsey m. 10:5:1738 Mary Williams

Martha Ramsey m. 7:8:1743 jkGEorge Warner

Rachel Ramsey m. 3:5:1738 William Davis

Thomas Ramsey m. 6:16:1730 Elizabeth Howell

1st Presb. Ch. p. 162 Bucks Co. (Hartsville) Neshaminy Agnes Ramsey m. Mch 30, 1803 Stephen _________

Jane Ramsey m. May 3, 1792 Anne Baird

Dr. William m. Feb. 27, 1745 Rebecca Simpson

Abington Presb. Ch.

Alexander Ramsey m. Nov 13, 1770 Martha Dunbar

Polly Ramsey m. Feb. 8, 1796 John James of Phila

William Ramsey m. Nov. 3, 1767 Eleanor Faries

 Natl Cyc. American Biog v. 5  (Ramsey and Rumsey sometmes used interchangeably

p. 130 James Rumsey, inventor of steamboat born 1743 Bohemia Manor, Cecil Co. Maryland Sept. 7, 1784 his attempts later accomplished by Fulton drew attention to his invention for which achievement his son was presented a gold medal by Kentucky Legislature 1830

v. 7, 49 (see record of his father in Brumbaugh's Md. Rec.

Benjamin Rumsey, statesman, married Mary Hall.  He was born about 1730 in Maryland, son of William and Sabina Bradenburgh Rumsey.  His grandfather Charles Rumsey, came from Wales to America about 1665 and landed in Charleston so. Cr.  He later lived in New York, Philadelphia and Maryland, taking up lands in Cecil County at the head of Bohemia River.  He had a son William who was a distinguished surveyor and this William, (father of Benjamin) laid out Frederichstown Maryland in 1730, and assisted in laying the temporary boundary between Pennsylvania and Maryland.  Dec. 29, 1775 Memb. Com. Safety; chief justice Md. Dec. 22, 1778 (Pa. Archives v. 4, p. 658 Charles Ramsey July 20, 1685 was a justice of peace for 3 lower counties of Delaware, also served 1689 and 1690).


Pa. Archives Ser. 2 v. 16 p. 715

p. 684  gives account of boundary question and testimony of William Ramsey defending himself as surveyor about 1732 or 5 he being there aged 42.  According to his own account he began to study in 1716, geometry, trigonometry; plain and _________________and in 1724 was made surveyor of Cecil county Maryland.  Testimony is given of various landowners in that section under dispute.


Egle's Sev1. p.199

Dauphin Co. Pa. William Ramsey Surveyor of Cumberland Co. Pa. m. July 5, 1804 Miss Clark of Clark's Ferry (was he son of Wm. of Cecil o., Mary.


Will of Benjamin Elliott of Dublin Township Oct. 26, 1791 pr., Feb. 17, 1796 wife (not named) brother James Elliott's son John Elliott of Loughagan, Ireland; sister Elizabeth Burd; ? bro. Matthew Elliott of Letterkenny, Ireland

Margaret, wife of William Ramsey

nephew John Ramsey's son Benjamin

Nephew Benj. Burd's son Benjamin

William/. Wild's son Benjamin

nephew John Ramsey gets the plantation

nephew William Elliott of Path Valley and Benj. Burd of Littleton

Witnesses Robert Ramsey and Jane Fleming  Note:  JOhn Elliott had a daughte Margaret Elliott called grand-dau. in will of James Gibson Hopewell tsk d. 1748 PA


Lancaster Co. Now Dauphin Co. Pa   Egle's Pa. Gen

p. 3 Margaret Ramsey m. 3 Feb. 1831 Samuel Ainsworth Andrews b. 1802

p. 5 Their son James Ramsey Andrews b. 1830 m. Alle Hagenbach

p. 10 Mary Ramsey and John Allen b. 1797 of Harrisburg and of Springfield Ill.

p. 189 David Ramsey b. 1745; d. 18 Sept. 1787

m. Mary Ferguson daughter of Samuel and Mary

P and ! v. 2, p. 23 d. of Samuel and Mary Ferguson of Hanover Pa

Sen2 Samuel Ferguson was  son of Wm. and Margaret Ferguson who came from Ireland abt. 1740 to Hanover Township (thru Lancster Co. Pa0

p. 45 David Ramsey 3rd Lt. in Richard McQuown's Co. of militia under Col. T___Greve's Batallion Lancaster Co. Pa in camp in the Jersey Aug. 31, 1777

Ellis and Evans' Hist. Lancaster Co. Pa. p. 927

Upper Leacock Township  John Stump (had brothers and sisters there)

b.____d. 1749 leaves widow and 6 children:  George, Zelous, Peter Christea, Stephen, Maria


Gen.Soc.Pa.v.6 Tombstone Insc. Westmoreland Co. Pa

p. 30  William Ramsay d. May 2, 1816 at 60 Ob. abt. 1756) Jane, hiw wife, b. May 1777 d. Oct. 15, 1840


Egle's Notes and Queries Ann. Vol. 1897  Paxtang

Samuel Ramsey exec with Annie Kyle of estate of William Cunningham who died Dec. 1751-Biography Cyc. Dauphin Co. p. 59)  William Cunninghamps wife was Isabella, and their children were John, Thomas, James, Margaret Mary (See mt. Joy, Lancaster Co. for Ramsays and Cunninghams)

Egle's 3 Ser v. 1, p. 439. In Paxtang graveyard Alexander McHargue Jr. d. September 4, 1794 at 29

Jane McHargue d. Mch 5, 1850 in 61st yr.

p. 361-

In Rev.  John roan's Congregation of Derry, Paxtang and Mt. Joy 1745-1775

Years of Membership

Robert Ramsey (1745-1768)

David    Elder (1768-1770)


John    (Mt. Joy)

William    (1761-1771)    William R. gave 2 sh towards stonewall for old Doring church in 1771 just before death of Rev. John Roan


Samuel    1760-1762

James    (1751-1773

p. 340 James Cunningham 1769-1773 p. 164  a receipt for 1 acre land Mt. Joy in 1773 to Hugh Cunningham was of Paxtanq Lancaster Co. where Mr. Roan's Meeting House stood was signed Jan 25, 1778 by Rt Cunningham


Gen. Soc. Pa. v. 7, p. 52

Allegheny C. Pa. Wills

Will of james Ramsey of Fayette C., Pa. Aug. 22, 1796 pr. Oct. 1, 1796

wife Martha ch: Joseph, Samuel, Sarah m. Atcheson) , Thomas, John

p. 230 Will of Anthony Ramsay of Pine Township, Allegheny Co. May 7, 1810 pr. June 14, 1811 wife Elizabeth Children not named land in Montgomery Co., brothers Hugh, James, Alexander, exec.

p. 194 Barnet Ramsey in unindexed Wills Worcester Co. Md. (1667-1742)

p. 154 John Ramsey, exec for John Long of Ligonier Valley

Westmoreland Co., July 15, 1809

159 John Sharp of Wash. Co., will Apr. 18, 1707 names "son in law Joseph Ramsey and daughter Agnes wife of joseph Ramsey

166 Thomas and Rebecca Ramsey witnessed will of James Merchant of Smith Township, Washington County, Apr. 10, 1800.


Egle's Notes and Queries, ser. 2v. 2p. 93-5

Reverend John Roan (had son Flavel roan Rev. John m. Anna Chchran)had a brother Andrew Roan who died abt 1768 m. Margaret Walker know a son Archibald Roan b. abt. 1760 in Derry Twhship Lancaster and Dauphin County

Archibald Roan was put in care of his uncle Reverend John Roan who named him in his will.  Archibald was Dist. ATty. Gen in 1795, Judge of the Supreme Court of Tennessee.  D. near Jonesboro Tennessee.  In his honor Roan County, Tennessee was named.  His ch: David, James, Andrew and Mary


Nevins History of Presbyterian Church, p. 738

Rev. William Ramsey was born in Lancaster County Pennsylvania was graduated--Nassau Hall--1754;  was licensed to preach--Eastern District--Fairfield, New Jersey and received by Abingdon Presbytery 11 May, 1756; ordained and installed at Fairfield in Cohansey Church 1 Dec. 1756.  He died 5 November 1771 at 39.  (See will next page) and see p. 55 for an account of him.

N. J. Archives ser. 1, vol. 34, p. 413

will of Wm Ramsey of Fairfield Cumberland County, N.J. Oct. 23, 1771 pr Feb. 25, 1772

names wife Sarah exec with her father Ephraim Seeley

sons:  James Joseph, Ephraim and John not yet 21

He makes his brother David Ramsey guardian and Dr. Jonathan Elmer (testator's brother in law)

This will thus identifies the Ramseys found in Charleston South Carolina, where lived Dr. David Ramsey who as guardian of Williams sons would bring them to South Carolina where we find their names recorded later.

p. 31

Davis' Bucks County Pa v. 3, p. 425

gives Edward Ramsey



John Sr. and John Jr.

Compare Davis' account with Mourrette's in N. Y. Rec. v. 43p.





Pa Archives Ben 5 v. 4

p. 476

Depreciation pay to

Alexander Ramsey, private





v. 1, p. 23 In West End Lancaster County on the Susquehanna were:k

Lt. Hugh Whiteford and Lt. ____Sample

gen.5, v. 1, p. 177    In 1754 John Whitford, Lower County Provinces (which may mean what is now Delaware?)

p. 599 William Whiteford on duty Pa. navy ship "Warren" Dec. 1, 1776==under command of Thomas Houston

Ser. 5 vol. 7, p. 949  2nd Lt. John Ramsey in Col. Thomas Porten's Lancaster County Battalion

Hugh Ramsey in William Allen's district--Lancaster Co. Pa in 1782 in list of men between ages of 18 and 53

p. 275 James Ramsey 1780 Cumberland County militia

Egle's Pa. Gen. Vol. 1, Wilkes County, Georgia

p. 273  Margaret Holloday of Richmond County conveyed to Randolph Ramsey Senior, 350 acres, Little River, on Dec. 1, 1784 Long gr. 12 Oct., 1780

p. 273 John Ramsey, witness

p. 291 John Ramsey and wife Mary convey to. Wm. Ramsey

250 acres on Little River 8 Feb. 1755 Randel Ramsey Senior  Randolph Ramsey, Jr. Witness

p. 277 Randol Ramsey conveyed 350 acres on Little River 15 Frederick Williams which was part yoke land conveyed ro R.R. Dec. 1, 1784 (Oct. 1786)

p. 291-292

William Ramsey and wife Jemima conveyed to James Thweatt and John Mitchell 200 acres on Ogeechee River Aug. 8, 1787.

p. 318

James Ramsey 2 lots Wilkes County, 1803

341 346 Reuben Ramsey 1 lot 1819 Capt. Davis' dist 1 lot, 1821 Capt. Beriah B. Reeves Dist

341 346 Richard Ramsey old soldier, 1 lot 1819 Davis Dist 1 lot, 1821, Capt. Beriah B. Reeves

339 Thomas Ramsey 2 lots Capt. Brooks Dist, 1819

344 William Ramsey, Senior 2 lots Capt. Wm. Hudspeth's Co.

344 William Ramsey, Junior 1 lot Major Thomas D. Bordon's Batallion, 1821


Annals of Georgia p. 148

Liberty County Georgia

U.S. Army prov pay of 21-12-0 to Randolph Ramsey

June 14, 1784 for use of wagon and team for supplying troops commanded by General Wayne

Early Records of Georgia by Davidson v. II Wilkes Co

p. 353 Isaac Ramsey m. 9 Nov. 1817 Hepzibah Wellborn

p. 352 James Ramsey m. 19 Sept 1817 Sarah Joseph

p. 353 James Ramsey m. 15 May 1817 Sarah Dearing

p. 324 Noe Ramsey mentioned

p. 193 Randolph Ramsey's land adjacent Matthew Varner's on Varner's Creek.  It was surveyed 1791 by William Graves--auso land adjacent that of Abner and Betsy Webster, to Wm. Ellis 13 Nov. 791

p. 327 Sarah Ramsey m. 14 June 1824 John Burnap

p. 57 William Ramsey, 1 poll, 200 acres on Ogechee, Wilkes County and 250 acres Wilkes County (remnants of tax digests

Vol. I p. 317 Henry Ramsey draws 1 lot Land lottery 1803

Isaac Ramsey appointed administrator for Silas Dixon 1824

The Wellborns {John deceased, Sarah,  Abner and Carleton (note above marriage)


Egle's Pa. Gen. land Lottery List Oglethorpe County, Georgia

p. 4 James Ramsey drew 1 lot 1804 George Cunningham 2 lots

p. 8 James Ramsey drew 1 lot 1804

p. 11 William Ramsey drew 2 lots 1804

Abram Ramsey drew 2 lots

Arthur Ramsey drew 1 lot

p. 59 Franklin County mar. 1805 to1812

James Ramsey m. Jane Messer

Wills p. 59  Wills of Eli Ramsey and Rachel Ramsey, Franklin County

p. 59 1827 to 1849 Will of William Ramsey


Wills of Georgia 1813-19 v. 1 Hist. Coll (DAR)

p. 36

Alexander Ramsay

p. 141 Col. Ambrose Ramsey of Guilford, No. Car.

p. 30 Ann Ramsey m. George Martin (mar. 1803-14 Clarke Co. GA.)

p. 277 p. 144 John Ramsay m. Nov 13 1817 Elizabeth Tate

p. 265 William Ramsey, a juror of Franklin County, Georgia land conveyed to him in 1806 by Stephen Hughes

p. 285 William Ramsey and wife Rhoda conveyed land in 1803 to William Payne

p. 314 will of William Ramsey July, 1843 pr. Mch 6, 1848

son Wade H. dau Nancy Scroggins sons Wm. Jr. James Drury M. Thomas J. John also wife and child of son George @. Ramsey sons in law Andrew martin, David Scroggins, Asa York.

p. 37 Ramseys in Georgia

Annals of Georgia

Name of            City Hall Rec

p. 184 John d. 9 October 1822, Seaman

age 22. b. England

p. 14 Thomas, baker b. Scotland. d. at 28 13 Jan. 1805

p. 39 Harris' Biog. Hist. Lancaster Co. Pa p. 453

p. 453 Dr. David Ramsey b. Lancaster County Pennsylvania April 2, 1749 (youngest child of James, a respectable farmer who had emigrated from Ireland at an early age (one of a numerous family.  Dr. David's mother died when the lad was very young.  At age of 6 years had showed his love for history.  At twelve, he had read the classics.  Too young to enter college he was made assistant tutor at the Carlisle Academy was there about a year then entered Princeton.  In 1765 took BA at 16.  Spent two years as private tutor in a Maryland family, there studied medicine under Dr. Bond of Phila. and earned the friendship of Dr. Rush at College of Pa.  Dr. David Ramsey after his M.D. years to practice medicine at "head of Bohemia" in Maryland for a year there removed to Charleston at the recommendation of Dr. Rush.  Dr. Ramsey was friend of Washington, friend in Witherspon and other men of influence

--Mombert's History of Lancaster County, Pa., p. 403 says: Dr. David Ramsey b. Drumore Tsp Lancaster on 2 Apr. 1749 in house still standing on the Joseph Showalter Place, borough of Oxford, Pa.  Dr. David's studies were superintended by Reverend Sampson


Smith of the Presbyterian Church at Chestnut Level etc.  (as in other accounts).

p. 403 m. 23 Jan. 1787 Martha Laurens  and had 11 children 8 survived. 

His father (who was James Ramsey married Jane Montgomery (A cousin of General Richard Montgomery of Quebec fame--not proven however

History of Cumberland and Adams County PA p. 183-4 is borough of Gettysburg, Adams County Pa is listed about 1787 as ___________-

on Carlisle Street Reynolds Ramsey

Chambusco Street Reynolds Ramsey

York Street Reynolds Ramsey

1856 Reynolds Ramsey was village treasurer in 1806 (He may be a connection of the Ramseys of Va. and Maryland)

was Burgess 1806-7

Thomas Ramsey admitted Derry Ch. May 12, 1823


Lower Norfolk County Va Antiquary

v. 4, p. 14 James Ramsey m. Oct 29, 1761 Ann Ballard, Spinster


Line of Dr. David Ramsey  Historian, of Charleston South Carolina

So far as is known:

I.  James Ramsey came from Ireland early in his life farmer lived Drymore now Oxford Pa. Lancaster County.  Born in Ireland .  Died probably in Pennsylvania Drumore Lancaster County, Oxford married Jane Montgomery


1. Nathaniel b. 1741 d. 1817 John? Alexander? and James? b. abt. 1742 who married Catherine Sample

2. Rev. William b. 1732 d. Fairfield N. J. 1771 at 39 m. Sarah Seeley had a son Ephraim

3. Dr. David (see further) b. 1749

II.  Dr. David Ramsay of James and Jane Montgomery Ramsey

p. 50 D.A. R. v. 61 p. 14

Samuel Ramsey b. Ireland d. Carlisle Pennsylvania Captain William Moore's Company Cumberland County Pa. Catherine Seawright m. had Jean Ramsey m. William Seawright

v. 59 p. 190=1

Hugh Ramsey b. 1749 Ireland d. 1825 Chester County Pa. Moved assoc 1775 m. 1779 Jane Thompson b. 1760 d. 1806

m. Mary Ann Ramsey b. 1802 d. 1870

m. 1824 Jeanette Jefferson Felton had Hugh Ramsey Fulton b. 1843 m. 1871 Sarah Thompson Kerr b. 1842 d. 1910


v. 43 NY Rec. p. 388

Cumberland County Pa. org abt. 1750

Franklin County Pa made from above 1784

Hamilton township was created 1752 about

Rev. Rec. Pa. Arch 5 ser v. 6 318

William Ramsey Ensign

p. 87-96  McCauley's Hist. Franklin Co. Pa

Kittochtive Hist. Soc. Coll. v. 1 1908 p. 264

June 1, 1840 he resided with William Ramsey, Morristown, Ohio

1790 Census Maryland

Joseph Ramsey 3-0-5

Wm.    Ramsey 301-1-

Andrew Ramsey    2-02-3 Cecil County West Nottingham

James Ramsey 1-0-0

Charles Ramsey 2-3-4  East Nottingham

Joseph Ramsey    1-1-1-St. Mary's Co

Nathaniel Esq. Ramsey 3-0-2 So. Susquenahana Hundred


Rumsey Benjamin p. 79

John p. 79

John p. 82

Henry p. 46

52 Ellis and Evans' Lancaster County

Little Brittain Tsp

p. 940

To John Bowen were conveyed from estate of James Reynolds May 12, 1766, 131 ares Little Brittan;s township.  This land had been first a warrant (Apr. 11, 1749) of John Hunter.  Benj. Bowen and John Bowen were on tax list 1763 and 1769.

Lancaster County

(Martic including Providence Tsp)

p. 971

John RAmsey in 1757 taxed 1-10-0

p. 972 Mch 20 1745 John Ramsey had 100 acres returned Drumore Township (Note was he a son:  or a brother of James Ramsey father of Dr. David, Nathaniel, Rev. William pos. James of Mrs. Chase's ancestry?)


Hist. Fairfield, Cumberland Co. N.J. in Hist. Gloucester Salem and Cumberland Counties

Reverend William Ramwey of Fairfield N. J. son of James Ramsey of Lancaster Co. Pa. a Scotch Irish settler

b. 21732

d. 1771 at 30 m. Feb.

In 1754 Reverend William Ramsey gradated from the College of N. J. having been a student of the Log College at Neshaminy Pa.  He took his A.M. in regular course College of N.J. ( now Princeton) Jan. 1755 Dr. Daniel Elmer, pastor of Cohansey Presbyterian Church at Fairfield died and Mch 1756 Rev. William Ramsey was called as pastor received by the Abingdon Presbytery as "New Side."  May 11, 1756, and installed by that Presbytery Dec. 1, 1756.  He had 6 children 5 sons and 1 daughter. 5 sons grew to maturity.  Until we find these sons may we conjecture them to be those found in Charleston where their uncle Dr. David lived i. e. Judge Ephraim m. Feb. 20, 1790 Mary Ann Walker.  (He was made Judge Dec. 1799O

Dr. Joseph m. Nov. 12 1786 Mary Tennent (daughter of Rev. Wm Tennent of Con. ch of Charleston)

Dr. John m. widow of John Deas jr. 21` march 1797

perhaps William, a printer in Charleston

perhaps Rev. James b. 1771 who preached in Chartiers Creek Pa. 1805  He died 1855 leaving son James and daughter Maria.


 Besides New England settlers numerous Scotch Irish make early settlements in Virginia, the Carolinas and a great majority of Ulster emigrants to America landed on the Delaware River.  Pennsylvania thus became a center for Presbyterian settlers.  From them have come list of distinguished citizens of our country.

After 1735 a continuous stream of emigrants from the province of Pensylvania went south and west.  Probably before 1698 Presbyterians were gathered in and around Lewes and Newcastle, Delaware and Philadelphia.


Scotch-Irish rep in our Presidents--among others of distinction

Patrick Henry, Alexander Hamilton, Jackson, Madison, Polk, Buchanan, Johnson, Grant, Lincoln, Arthur, McKinley, Wilson

At the time of the Revolution there were about 500 settlements of Scotch Irish in the colonies

p. 106

Genealogy "From a Letter" on Hugh Whiteford m. Crook and Ramsey Line with James Ramsey to Hugh Cunningham Ramsey


Notes from letters

William Ramsey was Pres Southern Publishing Company of Atlanta Georgia 1874 (e, t, and 7 Marietta Street Atlanta Georgia

He came to Phila to open a branch office and died of typhoid fever.  He died in Phila and is buried in Maryland.  Hugh Whiteford and Clay Whiteford were pall bearers.  William Ramsey had an older sister Laura who married David Bay

and a brother James who went west and a brother Sam who went west.  Hugh Ramsay father of William married Elizabeth Whiteford of Harford County Maryland on Pa border.


Thomas Ramsay born June 15, 1764 near York Pa d. 4 May 1826 at 42 lived Hummelstown Pa 1800 (Dauphin Co. Pa m. Elizabeth Keller b. 1791 d. 1858 near Harrisburg served as corporal 1814

Son Alexander Secretary of War b. 1815 near Harrisburg Pa d. 1903 St. Paul Ramsey Co. Minn 


Hannaps Scotch Irish v. 1, p. 88

Delaware was part of Pa. before 1776 and was full of Scotch Irish before they settled in the Susquehanna Valleu; and Western Maryland was partly settled by Sc. Irish as well as Cecil County and Somerset County on the Eastern shore and many around Baltimore.  John Hogue was minister at Opeqnow in 1736

Ireland v. 1, p. 534.  In County Donegal, precinct of Portlough were listed John Ramsey and some Cunninghams 1619.  John Cunningham leased lands there to marry in 1614 p. 567.  In 1646 Hugh Cunningham was minister at Ray in Donegal (v. 1 p. 328 Whitefords were from Renfrewshire and Cunninghams and Ramseys orig Saxon or Norman.

In Scotland a Ramsay was ordered to go to Ireland to preach for a time.

v. 2. p. 95 William Ramsey from Presbytery of Philadelphia was a minister at Fairfield N. J. Note he was the son of a James Ramsey and brother of Dr. David

p. 189 Ancestry of President Benjamin Harrison:  James Ramsay d. 1810 m. Elizabeth Porter b. 1752 d. of William and Sarah

James and Elizabeth Porter Ramsey had daughter Mary m. Archibald Erwin b. 1772 d. 1843 and had Elizabeth Erwin m. John Harrison and had Benjamin Harrison b. 1833 North Bend, Ohio.

p. 119

Hanna's Sc-Ir v. 2, p. 60  Among the early Scotch Irish settlers wee found in Newcastle County, Del and Elk Rivers on the Maryland Pennsylvania line.  See Tread of Christian: Presbyterian church (Christian a raw Sough of the Maryland and Delaware Line).  also see "The Rock", now at Lewisville, Pennsylvania both now Chester County, PA.  Upper Octara dist is now Parkesburg Chester County.  This Conestoga district comprised most of the present Lancaster County, Pa.  Donegal Church was near Mt. Joy.  Lancaster County (See East and West Notingham Chester County Pa.  Note a Hugh Glasgow born there.

p. 63  "Manor of Maske" included the site of Gettysburg Old Lancaster County and the bottom lands south to Maryland live. 

70  Carlisle congregation called their first meeting place "meetinghouse spring: in 1734.

In 1735 the "Forks of Brandywine" set off from Upper Octaraara, Chester County.

108 Deer Creek now Churchville, Harford County Maryland Presbyterian church was first established 1738 and Bethel 1777-86


Hanna's Sc-I v. 2 p. 40

The Ramsays.  The name Ramsay= de Ramsie is of Norman origin

p. 434 Their possessions _________.  They were in Berwickshire, Edinburgshire, Fifeshire, Forfarshire and Kincardinshire before 1200.  Marquisate of Dalhousie Vicountcy of Haddington Lordships of Bothwell and Carrington

v. 1 p. 323

The Ramseys and Cunninghams were originally of Saxon or Norman

The Whitefurds were from Renfrewshisre Scotland.


Hanna's Scotch-Irish v.1, p. 88

Delaware was part of Pa. before 1776 and was full of Scotch Irish before they settled in the Susquehanna Valley; and Western Maryland was partly settled by Scotch Irish as well as Cecil County and Somerset County on the Eastern Shore and many around Baltimore.

Ireland, v. 1, p. 534.  In 1646 Hugh Cunningham was minister at Ray in Donegal.  

In Scotland a Ramsey was ordered to go to Ireland to preach for a time.

v. 2, p. 96.  William Ramsey from Presbytery of Philadelphia was minister at Fairfield N. J. (son of James Ramsay and brother of Dr. David Ramsey)

v.2, p. 60--Among the early Scotch-Irish settlers were found in Newcastle County, Delaware and Elk Creek on the Maryland Pennsylvnia line.  See "Head of Christiana Presbyterian church--Christiana ran south of the Maryland and Delaware line.  also see "The Rock, now at Lewisville, Pa, both now Chester county.  

61--Upper Octarara Dist is now Parkesburt, Chester County.  This "Conestoga District" comprised most of the present Lancaster county, Pennsylvania.  Donegal Church was near Mount Joy, lancaster County.  (See East and West Nottingham, Chester County, Pa.  Cecil County, Md.)  

63--Manor of Maske included the site of Gettysburg (Old Lancaster County) and the botton lands south to Maryland line.

70--Carlisle congregation called their first meeting place "Meeting house spring in 1734.   1734.  In 1735 the forks of Brandywine set off from Upper Octarara, Chester County.

108--Deer Creek, now Churchville, Harford County, Maryland was first established 1738 and Bethel 1777-86


