A researcher who chooses to remain anonymous and I have had a long going conversation about the mistakes on this website regarding the genealogy. It is understandable because he has done so very much research and I have merely reported on what has long been BELIEVED to be true. Bits and pieces. These researchers were just as sincere in their conclusions as the expert who chooses to remain anonymous. So, I will quote from our correspondence to try to bring you up to speed. I have purchased his book, which at his request I will not mention, and when I have time, I will try to correct the genealogy below to fit his newest findings.
I appreciate his concern over the errors after his arduous labor of love. Of course, my major interest is my own line and I connect up where Mary Pettus marries Chillian Palmer. I apologize for getting confused over this so I decided simply to quote this source who has chosen to remain anonymous.
My last campaign, therefore, is to alert the parties who create those websites to be aware of the fact that they are spreading misinformation! You are not the first to hear from me.
I don't mean to put all the blame on you, because you relied upon supposedly authoritative sources dating back to the early 20th C. Once I began my own research into the original records around 1970, I quickly discovered that most writers on Pettus genealogy relied upon someone else's work and that the pioneers either did not do the necessary research or else misinterpreted whatever fragmentary records they did find.
I understand that you are just trying to be helpful, but a subject so complicated as Pettus genealogy is full of pitfalls for the unwary.
Good evidence has come to light in the past few years that immigrant ancestor, Thomas Pettus, married Ka-Okee, daughter of Pocahontas by her first husband, Kocoum, an Indian brave who died in a battle with the Susquehanna tribe!
Although Thomas remarried after Ka-Okee died c1637, the line of descent from his second wife, Elizabeth (Freeman) Duirrent, apparently ended before 1700, when his only known granddaughter, Elizabeth Pettus, died underage and unmarried.
According to this source, living Pettuses who descend from the immigrant Thomas also descend from Pocahontas's daughter, Ka-Okee! He expresses surprise that this connection, which is "sacred tradition" for three distinct native American tribes in Virginia, is also known by certain members of the Pettus family who had heard it from their grandparents!
There is a question over which Pettus married Ka-Okee, but circumstantial evidence makes Thomas the most likely of the Pettus immigrants to have married her.
For example, Thomas held a large tract of land in what is now Stafford County, Virginia. According to tribal historians, his land adjoined a tract held by Chief Wahaganoche and another by his daughter Christian Pettus who married John Martin. Christian was the name of Thomas's sister and grandmother (Norwich records).
Thomas sold his land to Mr. Henry Meese, who was married to another native American woman related to Ka-Okee. More extensive DNA tests would be helpful.
The key question is whether Stephen Pettus who was a landholder in New Kent County, Virginia, in 1662, was Thomas's son by Ka-Okee.
The line through Thomas Pettus, Virginia immigrant, probably goes as follows:
Thomas Petyous and (?)
John Pethous and Jone (?)
Thomas Pettus and Christian DeThick
Thomas and Cecily King
Thomas Pettus (immigrant) and Ka Okee (daughter of Pocahontas)
Stephen Pettus (landowner in New Kent Co. in 1662) and (?)
Stephen Pettus II (grantor in the sale of the Pettus estates in 1700) and Mary Dabney
Mary Pettus and Chillian Palmer
The fact that Stephen II was a grantor in 1700 and the fact that his known male descendants have DNA matching that of a native American tribesman who has traced his ancestry to Ka-Okee gives me confidence that this lineage is right.
1. Thomas Pettus II, who had been married to Mourning Burgh, died in 1687.
2. An inventory of Thomas's estate shows that it belonged to his "Orphand." Unfortunately the orphan was not named in the inventory.
3. A York County record shows that Maj. Lewis Burwell was the executor of Thomas's will (now lost).
4. According to Burwell's attorney, some tobacco claimed by Mourning Pettus, widow of Thomas Pettus II, was the "proper estate" of Stephen Pettus. This led me to the conclusion that Thomas had left the tobacco to Stephen and that Stephen--not Elizabeth--was the orphan heir. Apparently, Burwell was holding the tobacco until Stephen came of age.
4. Stephen was a grantor in the sale of the Pettus estates in 1700 (see his signature on the deed) to James Bray, Jr. I concluded that the sale took place after Stephen came of age. BTW Elizabeth had already died.
The most logical explanation of the above evidence is that Thomas II was Stephen's father. Since there was no other evidence to the contrary, the available evidence met the so-called Genealogical Proof Standard adopted some years ago by professional genealogists.
An online query by a tribal historian regarding the identity of Christian Pettus's father led this source to do some last-minute research. That research led to the discovery of new evidence that Christian was the daughter of the immigrant Thomas and Ka-Okee, daughter of Pocahontas.
Because the above-mentioned Stephen's male line of descent carries the same Y-DNA as that of Thomas's other known male descendants from Ka-Okee, that means that Stephen was descended from Ka-Okee and not from Mourning. Most likely, Stephen II was the son of Stephen I and Stephen I was the son of Thomas I and Ka-Okee. This explains why Stephen II got that name.
Thomas Pettus, immigrant, did marry Elizabeth Durrent, widow of Richard Durrent sometime before 1643. They had a son Thomas Pettus II who was a minor when his father died c1661. Thomas II was the father of Elizabeth Pettus , who was also left an orphan when Thomas died abroad in 1687. Elizabeth died unmarried and still a minor sometime before 1700.The preceding statements are confirmed by extant records.The new theory, which is based upon good evidence, both oral and written, has Thomas Pettus, immigrant, marrying Ka-Okee, daughter of Pocahontas and Kocoum, as his first wife about 1631. Thus, Elizabeth Durrent was Thomas's second wife. Also, Thomas and Ka-Okee were the parents of Christian Pettus of Stafford County, Virginia. Thomas and Ka-Okee also had other children, including Stephen Pettus I, who settled in New Kent County, Virginia. I now believe that he was the father of Stephen Pettus II, who was a grantor in the sale of the Pettus estates in 1700.If this theory is correct, then Thomas Pettus II of Littletown plantation was the half-brother of Christian Pettus and Stephen Pettus I.The researcher reports that my line descends from Stephen Pettus II. The lineage discussed connects Mary (Pettus) Palmer to Stephen Pettus and Mary Dabney and is a matter of record.
Bill Deyo is the tribal historian of the Patawomeck tribe. The researcher first learned of the Pocahontas connection from the historian of another tribe a few weeks before coming upon Deyo's posting. That historian thought that Ka-Okee had married Theodore Pettus of Norwich and Jamestown. Theodore was Thomas Pettus's younger brother.Exchanges with Deyo led the anonymous source to the conclusion that Thomas--not Theodore--married Ka-Okee. His DNA matches that of your Stephen's male descendants.One of the key pieces of evidence mentioned in the transcript is the fact that William Strachey, historian at Jamestown, mentioned the marriage of Pocahontas and Kocoum.
The SP who married Mary Dabney was Stephen II. Research in 2012 led him to conclude that the line of descent from Thomas Pettus, immigrant, and his second wife Elizabeth Durrent, ended with the death of his only known grandchild, Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Pettus II and (?). He suspects that TP II was married twice and that his second wife, Mourning Burgh, was not Elizabeth's mother. In any case, nothing on record indicates that the possible first wife was Elizabeth Dabney, as has often been claimed by early family historians.
The name of the first Stephen's wife is not mentioned in any record of him thus far discovered.
Most of the early Virginia court and church records were destroyed at one time or another. We are fortunate to have the few that have survived, so we are forced to piece together family lineages based upon fragmentary evidence. That is one reason that the genealogy of early generations in colonial Virginia is so difficult.
The anonymous source found key records in Maryland, England, and even Holland. The tribal traditions also helped solve some riddles.
Mary Pettus who married Chillian Palmer was the daughter of John Pettus and his wife Sarah Lipscomb. John was the son of Stephen Pettus and his wife Mary Dabney. John and Sarah settled on Twitty's Creek in what is now Charlotte County, where he died in 1781. He sold his property to John Pettus who married Susannah Winston (?). John died in 1799. His home, Avondale, which was built before the Revolution, is probably the oldest standing Pettus home in Virginia, but Willie C. Pettus, who was born at Avondale, remembers seeing the ruins of your John's home and still has the loft ladder from it. The original house probably burned.
When another John Pettus, who was sheriff of Louisa County, Virginia, died in 1770, your John Pettus traveled from Charlotte County to Louisa County Court where he was made guardian of Barbara Overton Pettus and William Overton Pettus, who were orphans. Your John took the two children back to Charlotte County. Later, after Barbara came of age, the source John's son, Thomas, paid her bond and married her. Thomas and Barbara lived at Waverly plantation near Avondale.
Everything is fully documented by court and church records mentioned. The genealogical issue for you is the identity of Stephen's father. Originally the source was convinced by the evidence at hand that Stephen was the son of Thomas Pettus II of Littletown plantation. He now believes that he was the son of Stephen Pettus I. SP I apparently was the son of Thomas Pettus, immigrant, and Ka-Okee.The primary basis for that conclusion is that male descendants of your SP have the DNA that matches that of the tribal historian who claims descent from Thomas and Ka-Okee. Of course, the DNA evidence does not distinguish between Thomas and one of his brothers, Theodore, who arrived in Virginia in 1623, but Theodore disappeared from the Virginia records after 1626. My guess is that he was one of the settlers who died in Virginia or, more likely, at sea, since his last appearance in court concerned a dispute over cargo brought into the colony by ship.
Descendants of Thomas Pettus
Generation No. 1
1. THOMAS1 PETTUS was born Abt. 1470 in tailor in Norwich England, 1492 London1, and died Abt. 1520 in London, St. Edmonds Church, Lombard St.2. He married
The Pettus Family in England:
What follows is from Burke's "Extinct Baronage"; Walter Rye's "Norfolk Families" ii 656; Edmund Farrer's "Church Heraldry of Norfolk" 116;Norris's "Pedigrees" 917: "Alumni Cantabrigienes " iii 353, published,1924, at Cambridge and edited by John Venn; Percy Milligan's "Freeman of Norfolk 1548-1713", published in 1934; and Talloch's "Sketch of the Pettus Family".
Prior to the 15th century the name was Pethawe, Pettowe, Pettowes,Pethous, and Petyous. Talloch says the family was not in Norfolk before the 15th Century. Norwich is famous for its old churches. Saints Simon and Jude's is very old and was mentioned in Doomsday Book. There are e Doomsday books, dated 1088 and 1522. I do not know to which reference is made. It stands at the foot of Elm Hill.
In 1491, Thomas Petyous was "admitted to the freedom of the city" in Norwich. He may have live d in the house described on page 1, but he was buried in St. Edmund's churchyard in Lombard Street, London, S.E.
Child of THOMAS PETTUS is:
2. i. JOHN2 PETTUS, b. Abt. 1495, Norwich, England; d. August 28, 1558, NORWICH, NORFOLK CO ENGLAND St. Simon and Jude.
Child of THOMAS PETTUS and <LIVING> is:
3. ii. JOHN2 PETTUS, b. Abt. 1495, Norwich, England; d. August 28, 1558, Norwich, Norfolk County, England, St. Simon and Jude Church.
Generation No. 2
2. JOHN2 PETTUS (THOMAS1) was born Abt. 1495 in Norwich, England4, and died August 28, 1558 in NORWICH, NORFOLK CO ENGLAND St. Simon and Jude5. He married (1) CICELYN CAPON. He married (2) JONE (MRS. SIMON) DETHICK WFT Est. 1509-15396. He married (3) ROSE BEATRICE 1545.
Children of JOHN PETTUS and JONE DETHICK are:
4. i. THOMAS3 PETTUS , ESQ, b. 1519, bought RACKHEATH MANOR NORWICH ENGLAND; d. 1597, Norwich England.
3. JOHN2 PETTUS (THOMAS1) was born Abt. 1495 in Norwich, England7, and died August 28, 1558 in Norwich, Norfolk County, England, St. Simon and Jude Church8. He married (1) JONE (MRS. SIMON) DETHICK Abt. 15159. He married (2) CICELYNE CAPON WFT Est. 1528-153910. He married (3) BEATRICE DUCKETT February 01, 1542/4311.
Notes for JOHN PETTUS:
John Pethous, Gent, will dated 1558, was in a disturbance at an inn ands aid he was son of th e tailor Thomas Petyous. John Pettus is on record as buying in St. Simon's parish in 1536. W as a tailor in Norwich in1550. He and three wives and three children were buried in what i s now Saints Simon and Jude's churchyard. The wives were 1) Jone, mother of his children 2) Cecily Capon, d. 1542, no children, widow of Richard Corpestry (Cecily left legacies to her husband's children by his first wife); 3) married about 1545 Rose Beatrice, widow of Simon De Thick, Esq.of Wormegay, Suffolk. Talloch says Jone was widow of Simon Dethick. Ch: Thomas; Jon e and Anne did not marry.
5. i. THOMAS3 PETTUS , ESQ., b. Abt. 1519, Norwich, England; d. January 12, 1596/97, Norwich, St. Simon and Jude Church.
Generation No. 3
4. THOMAS3 PETTUS , ESQ (JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 1519 in bought RACKHEATH MANOR NORWICH ENGLAND12, and died 1597 in Norwich England13. He married CHRISTIAN DETHICK October 29, 154814, daughter of SIMON DETHICK.
1 AUTH Mayor 1591
The Pettus Family in England
Thomas Pettus, Gent., 1519-97, was sheriff of Norwich in 1566 and mayor in 1590, and alderman in 1591 and 1592. In 1591 he bought "Rackheath Hall", about 8 miles from Norwich. He married in S.S. Simon and Jude'sOct. 29, 1548 Christian, daughter of Simon Dethick, Esq. of Wormegay, Suffolk. Marriage in Norwich shows she was Thomas's stepmother's daughter. Otherwise the marriage would have been in Suffolk. Christian died in 1578. She and husband buried in S.S . Siman and Jude's churchyard. Ch. John, Thomas, William, Alexander, Elizabeth, Cecily, Anne , Isabel, d.y. Taking them in reverse order, since the line of the oldest will be carried on and the others dropped, after two or three generations.
6. i. THOMAS4 PETTUS , SIR, b. September 17, 1552, NORFOLK CO ENGLAND, Mayor; d. June 06, 1620, buried S.S. and Jude.
ii. JOHN PETTUS , SIR, d. Knighted by Elizabeth, MP 1601, Mayor 1608.
7. iii. WILLIAM PETTUS, d. 1608.
8. vi. ELIZABETH PETTUS, b. June 28, 1554, Norwich, England.
9. vii. ANNE PETTUS, b. April 1564, Norwich, England; d. Bef. 1594, Norwich, England.
viii. CECILY PETTUS, b. September 13, 1581, Norwich, England; m. HUMPHREY CAMDEN.
5. THOMAS3 PETTUS , ESQ. (JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born Abt. 1519 in Norwich, England15, and died January 12, 1596/97 in Norwich, St. Simon and Jude Church16. He married CHRISTIAN DETHICK October 29, 1548 in Norwich17, daughter of SIMON DETHICK.
i. JOHN4 PETTUS , SIR, b. Abt. 155018; d. WFT Est. 1551-164019.
Generation No. 4
6. THOMAS4 PETTUS , SIR (THOMAS3, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born September 17, 1552 in NORFOLK CO ENGLAND, Mayor20, and died June 06, 1620 in buried S.S. and Jude21. He married CECILY KING WFT Est. 1583-161122, daughter of WILLIAM KING ESQ..
Thomas Pettus, Esq. b. 9-17-1552, d. 1620, m. Cecily, d. 1641, daughter of William King, Esq . of Hempstead, Norfolk. He was mayor of Norwich in1614. Both buried in S.S. Simon and Jude 's. Ch: (all baptized in S.S.Simon and Jude's)
Children of THOMAS PETTUS and CECILY KING are:
10. i. WILLIAM5 PETTUS, b. 1583; d. December 18, 1648.
ii. ANNE PETTUS, b. 1582; m. ALDRICH.
11. iii. JOHN PETTUS , SIR, b. 1584, Norwich, England; d. April 09, 1613.
iv. EDWARD PETTUS, b. 1585.
12. v. HENRY PETTUS, b. 1586; d. Rappahannock Co. Virginia.
viii. GEORGE PETTUS, b. 1591.
ix. FRANCES PETTUS, b. 1592.
x. MARY PETTUS, b. 1594.
xi. THEODORE PETTUS, b. 1600.
xii. CHRISTIAN PETTUS, b. 1601.
xiii. ROBERT PETTUS, b. 1602.
xiv. ANNE PETTUS, b. 1604.
xv. HENRY PETTUS, b. 1606.
8. ELIZABETH4 PETTUS (THOMAS3, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born June 28, 1554 in Norwich, England. She married AUGUSTINE (W)HALL August 29, 1573.
9. ANNE4 PETTUS (THOMAS3, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born April 1564 in Norwich, England, and died Bef. 1594 in Norwich, England. She married ROBERT DABNEY , ALDERMAN OF NORWICH, son of JOHN DABNEY and CECILY.
Children of ANNE PETTUS and ROBERT DABNEY are:
13. iii. JOHN DABNEY, b. 1598.
Generation No. 5
10. WILLIAM5 PETTUS (THOMAS4, THOMAS3, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 1583, and died December 18, 1648. He married MARY GLEANE 1607 in St. Peters, Mancroft Norfolk, daughter of PETER GLEAME , SIR.
14. i. THOMAS6 PETTUS , COL, b. 1610, Norwich, England; d. Aft. 1662, New Kent County, Virginia; Stepchild.
11. JOHN5 PETTUS , SIR (THOMAS4, THOMAS3, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 1584 in Norwich, England, and died April 09, 1613. He married BRIDGET CURTIS, daughter of AUGUSTINE CURTIS.
Notes for JOHN PETTUS , SIR:
The name of SIR JOHN PETTUS, KNIGHT, appears in "Brown's Genesis of the United States:. The third charter, period III. Nov. 1609 to July 1614,p. 966.
"This document was drawn, I suppose by Sir Edwin Sandys, it was published by Rev. William Stith, 1747."
p. 966--SIR JOHN PETTUS, 3 Sub---pd 25 pounds, Of Norwich. M.P. for Norwich, 1601 and 1604.11 .
died; April 9th 1613.
SIR JOHN PETTUS, of Norwich, knight, 10 January 1613, proved 13 May 1614.
To be buried in the church of St. Symon and Jude, Norwich, nigh to my father's grave. To ward the building of a porch at the North door ofthe said church, over my grandfather's grave , twenty marks. MY SON THOMAS PETTUS. THOMAS PETTUS MY GRANDCHILD, son of SIR AUGUSTINE PETT US my son deceased, at twenty-one. Dame Bridget my wife. My brother Thomas Pettus. My lease of house and c in London wherein my brother William Pettus dwelt at the time of his decease . John Pettus my godson, son of the said William, my brother at two and twenty.
Item, I do give and bequeath unto Bridgett Saltonstall my grandchild the sum of one hundred pounds and unto Susan Saltonstall my granchild one hundred pounds and unto Christian Saltonstall my grandchild one hundred pounds to be paid unto them at their several ages of eighteen year s of days of marriage, which shall first happen.
My cousin Thomas Potter and Anne his wife shall have the use of the corner nessuage in the parish of St. Symon and Jude, late my uncle Richard Swifte's, after my decease, for the term of seven years upon the condition that he shall pay unto John Pettus my godson, son of my brother Thomas Pettus, yearly, at the said corner messuage, eight pounds.
I bequeath unto my brother Thomas Pettus, my sister Whall, my sister Joanes, the late wife of my brother William, deceased, my sister in law Mrs. Reeves, Mr. George Downing, my brother in law Robert Debny (and others named) a nest of cups or bowls of silver of ten pounds price, with a superscription, "IN MEMORIAN JOHANNIS PETTUS MILITIS."
Cousin Stile, cousin Myles, cousin Richard Dethicke and William Blackhead's wife. To my son i n law Sir Peter Saltonstall knight one bason and ewer of silver double gilt, and one each to m y sons in law Robert Knightley and Martyn Sedly. My niece Susan Pettus of London. My wife Dam e Bridget. My son Thomas Pettus to be sole executor and my son in law Martyn Sedley, my brother Robert Debney and my cousin Henry Pendleton to be supravisors.
Lawe, 51.
Setentia pro comfirmatione was pronounced 4 November 1614 in a causebetween Thomas Pettus, so n of the deceased, and executor of the foregoingwill, on the one part and Dame Bridgett Pettus, the relict, DameChristian Saltonstall, Ann Knightley and Bridget Sedley, daughters, andTho mas and John Pettus, grandsons of the deceased on the other part.
Lawe 116
Reference:--Genealotical Gleanings in England by Henry F. Waters, A.M.
Vol II, pp. 940-941.
Sir John Pettus knighted by Elizabeth, a Member of Parliament in 1601;Mayor of Norwich in 160 8. There is a handsome portrait of him in official robes in the Guild Hall. He was a member of the "Virginia Company:. His will (Genealogical Gleanings in England by Henry Waters,p. 9 4-) says he must be buried in the church of S.S. Simon and Jude, "nigh to my father's grave" . Left money for building a porch at the door of the church, over his grandfather's grave. H is grave is marked by "the sumptuous tomb" erected by his younger son to him and his oldest so n whodied before he did. Will dated Jan. 10, 1613. Inscription on the tomb reads: "Sacraet septernae Moeriae clarissimi Patris et dilectissimi Fratris, Johannis et Augustini Petti, mi letum, maetissimus Filius et Frater Thomasus Pettus armiger pietatis et amoris ergo posuit. " Sir John was a public spirited citizen and devoted churchman. For many years his memory wa s honored by a special annual service in the church. He m.1-25-1580 at Hourington, Bridget , dau. of Augustine Curtis, Esq. Shedied in 1622 and was buried in the church.
John Pettus Knt. MP for Norwich 1601 and Mayor of Norwich 1608 Information
taken from LDS files, World Family Tree Records, Some Prominent
Virginia Families, Vol. IV and Genealogies of Virginia Families. The Old Churches of
By Noel Spencer & Arnold
Published by Jarrold Publishing, 1990
ISBN 0-7117-0544-5
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15. i. AUGUSTINE6 PETTUS , SIR, b. Norwich, England; d. Bef. 1613.
12. HENRY5 PETTUS (THOMAS4, THOMAS3, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 1586, and died in Rappahannock Co. Virginia.
Children of HENRY PETTUS are:
ii. JOHN PETTUS, b. Rappahannock Co. Virginia.
16. iii. AUGUSTINE PETTUS, d. Stephney or Shiffkey.
13. JOHN5 DABNEY (ANNE4 PETTUS, THOMAS3, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 1598. He married ELIZABETH.
Children of JOHN DABNEY and ELIZABETH are:
17. i. MARY ELIZABETH6 DABNEY, b. 1644, New Kent, Virginia; d. Bef. 1690.
ii. GEORGE DABNEY, b. 1659.
iii. WILLIAM DABNEY, b. 1660.
iv. SUSANNAH DABNEY, b. 1662.
v. JUDITH DABNEY, b. 1663, New Kent, Va.
vi. SARAH DABNEY, b. 1665.
Generation No. 6
14. THOMAS6 PETTUS , COL (WILLIAM5, THOMAS4, THOMAS3, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 1610 in Norwich, England23, and died Aft. 1662 in New Kent County, Virginia24. He married ELIZABETH MOURING Bef. April 11, 164325.
1 AUTH Hist. and Register of ancestors and Members of the Society of Colonial Dames
1 AGNC p. 505
1 DEST Will, Meade, 115
1 MEDI Will. "Gleanings in England" by Henry F. Waters.
Authorities as to service: Stanard's Colonial Virginia Register p. 35
Virginia Historical Magazine, Vol
Authorities as to descent:
Thomas McAdory Owen, History of Alabama and Dictionary of Alabama Biography (1921) Vol. 4, p . 1316, New York Public Library.
Ibid.: Mrs. L. Clarence Stacy (Pocahontas Hutchinson): The Pettus Family(1957). (New York Public Library) p. 7 and 44, will of Chilion Palmer,Halifax County, Virginia, copy attached signed Chilion, Stacy gives name as Chilton, See also; Excerpt B, opposite Column: Excerpt B: History ofJefferson County, Florida--Mary Oakley McRory and Edith Clarke Barrows, Monticello, Florida (1939) p. 26, In 1758 Martin Thomas Palmer appeared in Virginia, married twice and became the father of several children. A son by the later wife, by name Chilian married Mary Pettus in 1779, they were the parents of ten children.
Stacy: The Pettus Family, pp. 517.
Ibid. pp. 5, 6, 48 Note: Authorities disagree as to the identity of the wife of Dabney Pettus , b. 1685. See--W.F. Anderson: Early Descendants of William Overton...(no date), p. 92 (4) a nd infra. Also, F. Hamilton Baskervill, A.M. (1921): Andrew Meade of Ireland and Virginia, pp .142-143, 152. It would appear in the references cited that Dabney Pettus, b. 1685 married Anne Overton, and that a later Dabney (or John?) Pettus b. 1704 married another Anne Overton . However, the evidence isnot conclusive.
Stacy: The Pettus Family, pp. 4-5, 46 Baskervill, p. cit. p. 142.
Stacey" The Pettus Family pp. 3-4, 48 Baskervill, op. cit. pp. 147, 142.
Va. Genealogical Histories, Vol. p. 847
Col. Thomas Pettus was 40 years old when he came to Virginia. Probably a widower. With him or before him came a Stephen Pettus. Here by 1637.Had land grants in 1655 and 1667. Was accused and acquitted of withholding tithes in 1674. Sued the sheriff of New Kent in 1662. Thena me Stephen is not found in records of Pettuses of Norwich, Eng. But Capt. Thomas Pettus named a son Stephen. Looks like the "first Stephen"was a son of Col. Pettus by a first wife an d named for her family. Have heard of no one claiming descent from "the first Stephen". To summarize: Col. Pettus, Councilor, had son Capt. Thomas and daughters Mary and Ann. So prove d. Also possibly a daughter who married Freeman.And very probably sons Stephen ("the first Stephen") and John of Rapahannock and New Kent.
Baptized August 23, 1610, served on the Continent with Sir Thomas Dale in the Thirty Years War, and was sent to Virginia by Sir John Pettus of the London Company in command of 40 men. H e married in 1645 Elizabeth Durant, widow of Richard Durant. He was known as Col. Thomas Pettus and was a member of the King's Council in 1642-1660.
Appointed by Crown Gov. Council of VA 1641-1660, highest honor of Virginia, title given "Colonel"
Vestryman of Bruton Parish 1636-40
Littletown Plantation on James River
Referenced in Hopkins of Virginia, The Pettus' of Cornhill, and The Pettus' of Virginia and England. (Rudd)
Colonel Thomas PETTUS (aka Councilor) came to America in 1638-1641,
after serving on the Continent in the Thirty Years War, for the Virginia
Company in command of forty men to assist the colonists in their
struggles with the Powhatan Indians at Jamestowne. Colonel Thomas
built a substantial residence on the James River on a tract four miles
downriver from the Jamestown settlement not long after his arrival. He
named the seventeenth century plantation house Littletown. Colonel
Thomas, son of William Pettus, sought a lifestyle different than was offered
in his native environs. He found Virginia an attractive alternative lifestyle.
He quickly became a member of the emerging provincial elite. Colonel
Thomas PETTUS became a Governor's councilor in the mid-seventeenth
century, serving on the prestigious Governor's Council from 1641 until
1660. Colonel Thomas probably was entitled to some Jamestowne
property through investments made by his granduncle Sir John PETTUS,
who had purchased stock in the company holding the third charter to
Virginia, The Third Virginia Charter Company. 11 The marriage of Colonel
Thomas to the widow, Elizabeth ( Mrs. Richard) DURRANT, added
substantial holdings to the estate which eventually encompassed 1280
acres. The PETTUS plantation left a lasting imprint on the Jamestowne
and Williamsburg landscape.
About 1972 the Virginia Historic Landmarks Commission located and began excavation of Colonel
Thomas PETTUS' Littletown 15 site at Kingsmill (right) and determined the layout and size of the
buildings from discolored earth where dwelling supporting postholes existed. Several
plantation sites comprised the Kingsmill area. The Pettus Littletown Plantation archaeological
site, uncovered by historical archaeologist William M. Kelso, is located near the marina on the
private Kingsmill Resort property south of Williamsburg, VA. An article entitled "The Virginians" in
the November 1974 National Geographic Magazine 8 gives an account of this archaeological find
and excavation and further insight into the development of Colonial Virginia. Below is the
complete four paragraph excerpt from the section on pages 593-596, under the subtitle "Post
Molds" Reveal a Colonial Saga, which pertains to Colonel Thomas PETTUS. Author Mike W.
Edwards writes:
"Thomas Pettus was one of those hardy settlers - a land clearer
and housebuilder. When, he arrived in 1641, land was available
near Jamestown. He built on a tract four miles downriver from
the settlement."
"I came on Pettus's holdings on a hot July afternoon and met
half a dozen young people who had cleared the land again - at
least, a little of it. They scraped the earth with trowels; one
brushed with a whisk broom."
"From beneath his yellow hard hat - protection from the sun -
archeologist William Kelso of the Virginia Historic Landmarks
Commission explained that the team sought 'post molds' -
discolored earth that would disclose where posts had stood.
Judging from the ashes here, this had been Pettus's
smokehouse. 'As you can see,' Bill said, waving a hand toward
rows of holes, ' we've found the other buildings of the
homestead.' "
"It was not a grand manor. Pettus built a T-shaped house and
haphazardly added outbuildings, all of wood. 'It was almost a
medieval layout,' Bill continued. 'In the 17th century, men like
Pettus were concerned more with survival than pleasing
architecture.' He apparently possessed little china or crystal.
'Mostly we've found items of local clay, crudely formed and
crudely fired.' "
Later findings and thinking can be found in William M. Kelso's "Rescue
Archaeology of the James - Early Virginia Country Life" 3 and Kingsmill
Plantations, 1619-1800, Archaeology of Country Life in Colonial Virginia,
Studies in Historical Archaeology 12 which is an extensive study of the
Kingsmill Plantations and contains many references to Thomas PETTUS'
Littletown Plantation.
Colonel (Councilor) Thomas PETTUS was an active participant in the affairs of Jamestowne
and Old Fields at Middle Plantation, Williamsburg's name until the 66-year-old
community was incorporated in 1699, and he is mentioned in many documents of the period.
After Colonel Thomas died in 1660, the plantation house and land passed to his son Captain
Thomas PETTUS, Jr.
Notes for MARY PETTUS:
1 AUTH Paid tax on 315 acres until 1804
1 AGNC 1798 moved to plantation with mill on Turnip Creek, adjoining brother Luke
Notes for CHILIAN PALMER , WAR OF 1812:
The History of Halifax (County Virginia),Wirt Johnson Carrington, states that Chillian Palme r was descended from Edward Palmer, a member of the Virginia Company who wished to start a un iversity in Virginia.
p. 235, "Chilian Palmer, vestryman of Antrim Parish, Halifax county, Virginia, was a son of M artin Palmer, of Charlotte and Halifax counties. This Martin Palmer was a sergeant in the Re volutionary war, and was a descendant of the Edward Palmer who conceived the idea of foundin g a university on Palmer's Island, a picturesque spot in the Susquehanna river. In his trans cript of the original records Niell tells us that Edward Palmer, for whom this island was nam ed, was a distinguished London virtuoso, who on July the third, sixteen and twenty-two, (Jul y 3, 1622), received a patent of land from the Virginia Company. In his will, dated Novembe r 22, 1624, he leaves all his lands and tenements in Virginia and New England, in event of al l issue failing, to remain for the founding and maintenance of this university. He then prov ides that all those who can thereafter prove their lawful descent from his grandfather, Joh n Palmer, Esq., of Leamington, and from his grandmother, "being sonnes, shall be freely admit ted and brought up in such schools as shall be fit for their age and learning, and shall be r emoved from time to time as they shall profit in knowledge and learning, and further my wil l is that the schollers of said universitye for avoyding of Idleness at their houres of recre ation shall have two paynters, the one oyle cullors and the other for water cullors, which sh all be admitted fellowes in the same college to the end and intent that the said schollers sh all or may learne the arts of payntinge, and further my will and mind is that two grinders th e one for oyle cullors and the other for water cullours and also couleers oyle and bumme wate r shall be provided from tyme to tyme at the charges of the said college beseeching God to ad d a blessing to all these said intents."
1 AUTH History of Jefferson County Florida, Mary Oakley McRory and Edith Clarke Barrows
1 AGNC published 1935
fFrom History of Jefferson County, Florida
When Richard the Lion-hearted joined with Frederich of Germany and
Philippe of France in a Crusade against the infidels of the Holy Land,
there was a pilgrim by the name of Ralph in the vast cavalcade of human
beings who so distinguished himself in combat against the Saracens,
that the was knighted upon the battlefield and thus became entitled to
permanently bear the palm, wear the black mantle embroidered with the
scarlet keys of St. Peter and devote himself to religious study, the
visiting of shrines and the contemplation of holy things.
This knight, known as Sir Ralph the Palmer, bore upon his shield the
words "Palmer Virtutute," meaning good of holy palmer and became the
progenitor of that Palmer who reached the New England coast in 1620 in
the good ship Mayflower, and like his crusader ancestor was known a s a
pilgrim. Walter was the name of this adventurer in the sailing vessel
Fortune, followed so on by his wife Ann. Of these Palmers, presumably
Walter was the forefather of the Palmer family in America. In 1758
Martin Thomas Palmer I appeared in Virginia, married twice and became
the father of several children. He was a neighbor and friend of the
patriots Patrick Henry and John Randolph, all three of them having
homes near to each other on the banks of the Roanoke River, and in the
early struggle for liberty, they must have been associates and
coadjutators. Martin I fought in the Revolutionary War and became
Sergeant Palmer. A son of his later wife, by the name of Chilian
married Mary Pettus in 1779 and they were the parents of ten children,
one of whom was Martin Palmer II, born in 1787 in Charlotte, Virginia.
(This Martin moved to Florida)
History of Halifax County, p. 234-236.
Chillian Palmer had seven sons and three daughters, and the descendants
of those traced show men of talents, distinguished professors,
physicians, surgeons and prominent officials throughout the Southern
and Western States.
The will books of this county abound in various Palmer wills, some very
interesting, giving evidence of wealth and culture. Many of them were
Revolutionary soldiers, Elisha, Jeffrey, Thomas, William and Henry
enlisting from this county, and some of them received bounty warrants
for their services.
They intermarried with the LeGrands Fourqureans, Christians, Hubbards, Hartwells, Pettus, and other prominent families.
Mr. Henry Palmer, a brave disabled old soldier of the War Between the
States, far advanced in his eighties, is now living in a part of the
house built by his grandfather, a hundred and fifty years ago. Though
very feeble, almost decrepit, his mentality was perfectly clear as h e
gave us the early history of his family, as far as he had recorded it,
back to England.
His long silvery white hair and beard, his smooth creamy complexion and
luminous brown eyes, that lit up or filled with tears as he told the
story of his young life and its disappointments by virtue of the war,
gave him a personality that was irresistible, for he bore not only the
wounds of the enemy, but the wounds of a heart too proud to offer
itself, with its disable d body, to the young woman he loved' and so he
lived in the old home, and struggled on as best he could, for those
were Reconstruction days, when the South was beginning to learn how to
live without help and to stand alone with out uttering complaint. The
front of the old Palmer home has fallen to decay, but the ell, in which
Mr. Henry Palmer lives, is in good condition considering its age. It
was once two stories, a large for that day and generation. Some of the
beautiful cedar trees that once circled the yard, and bordered the
driveway to the main road, are still standing, but many because of the
intrinsic value have been disposed of, thereby adding to the neglected
appearance of the place. An old lady told us that she had been
entertained there, in days gone by, when the place had a very imposing
air and that many merry parties of young people, attending the all day
meetings at "Hunting Creek" Church, ha d enjoyed with her its
hospitality, but time, the war, the wounded soldier, the neglected
acres, among which was "God's Acre," tell a tale that needs no
interpreter, and just so has man y an old Virginia gentleman laid down
his arms, and fought to a finish the battles of his impoverished and
ruined life. Many patrimonies in this county have fallen into alien
hands, and there are those who know not the history of the homes they
have bought in which they now live. The history of the "once upon a
time" owners whose ancestry touched the hem of royalty under foreign
skies and wondering how it happened that the dear old home seat slipped
from their possession, leaving nothing they could claim but a few
graves overgrown with briars and bro ken tombstones lying prostrate
amid the dense tangle.
What remains of the dilapidated home of Dr. Moses Palmer, built more
than a hundred years ago, is still standing on the roadside between
Halifax and South Boston, and sleeping near by under the waving corn
are some of the family that reveled in prosperity and enjoyed life's
luxuries more than a century ago. There is always something tragic in
an old house that, like dead men, "tells no tales." Many of the old
homes in the county have been destroyed by fire, among them some of the
old Palmer seats, but it was years before the Revolutionary war, and on
some of these sites have been built small, simple homes that satisfy
the ambitions and keep within the means of the owners.
Chillian Palmer, vestryman of Antrim Parish, Halifax County, Virginia,
was on of Martin Palmer of Charlotte and Halifax counties. This Martin
Palmer was a sergeant in the Revolutionary war, and was a descendant of
the Edward Palmer who conceived the idea of founding a university on
Palmer's Island, a picturesque spot in the Susquehanna River. In his
transcript of the original records Niell tells us that Edward Palmer,
for whom this island was named, was a distinguished London virtuoso,
who on July the third, sixteen and twenty-two, (July 3, 1622), received
patent of land from the Virginia Company. In his will, dated November
22, 1624,heleave s all his land and tenements in Virginia and New
England, in event of all issue filing, to remain for the founding and
maintenance of this university, He then provides that all those who can
thereafter prove their lawful descent from his grandfather, John
Palmer, Esq., of Leamington, and from his grandmother, "being sonnes,
shall be freely admitted and brought up in such schools as shall be fit
for their age and learning, and shall be removed from time to time as
they shall profit in knowledge and learning, and further my will is
that schollers of said universitye for avoyding of Idleness at their
houres of recreation shall have two paynters , the one oyle cullors and
the other for water cullors, which shall be admitted fellowes in the
same college to the end and intent that the said schollers shall or may
learne the arts of payntinge and further my will and mind is that two
grinders the one for oyle cullors and the ot her for water cullours and
also couleers oyle and gumme water shall be provided from tyme to tyme
at the charges of the said college beseeching God to add a blessing to
all these said intents."
Unfortunately for the youth of the province this ideal plan did not materialize.
Among the worthy descendants of Chillian and Luke Palmer, his brother,
were Dabney Palmer, who married, went to Mobile, Alabama, where he
amassed a large fortune. Having no children, he educated several
orphans, and in his will he desired most of his slaves manumitted and
sent North, and desired that the balance be treated humanely. Isaac
Palmer, son of Chillian, went to Missouri; he married Martha Adams, of
Halifax County, and his daughter married Judge Ryl and, one of
Missouri's most eminent jurists. Dr. Thomas W. Palmer, president of
Alabama College, his son now living in New York, who is attorney for
the Standard Oil Company, having in charge the legal end of their
business for South America, his work being entirely in Spanish American
law. Dr. Thomas W. Palmer's brother, Dr. R.D. Palmer, is now the
president of the Florida Medical Association, and has been honored with
all the positions in the medical fraternity. These are sons of Stephen
Palmer and grandsons of Chillian Palmer of Halifax County.
Martin Palmer, son of Chillian, settled in Monticello, Florida. His
son, Martin Palmer, Jr., wrote the Constitution of Florida and was a
member of the Secession Convention. Sarah, the daughter of Chillian
Palmer, Sr. married Rev.-----Chappell, and their grandson, Rev. E.B.
Chappell, is the editor of the Sunday School Magazine of the M.E.
Church, South.
Frank Stockton, the eminent writer of Philadelphia, descended from
Martin Palmer, through his son Luke, brother to Chillian Palmer, and
William Cabell Palmer, mentioned in Lyon G. Tyler's genealogical work,
is a descendant of William Palmer, the brother of Chillian.
The Palmers of the Eastern Shore, Maryland and North Carolina, and the
Halifax Virginia Palmers, can all be traced back to Edward Palmer of
Palmer's Island.
Chillion Palmer of Virginia and some of his descendants.
Chillion Palmer, Southside Virginia Planter, Vestryman, miller, and
surveyor, was the son of Martin Palmer who died in Halifax Co.,
ca.1798. The exact date he was born is unknown and the place of his
birth is likewise wrapped in mystery. Although conjectural, it is
believed hew as born in 1754, in King William Co. The assumption is
based upon a Deed of Gift from father to son, duly recorded in
Charlotte Co., an advertisement appearing in the only newspaper i n the
colony at that time and a list of Tithes taken in 1764.
The deed written February 6, 1775, recites in part----"I, Martin Palmer
of the Parish of Corn wall and County of Charlotte, for and in
consideration of the love and good will and affection I have and do
bear towards my son, grant---to the said Chillion Palmer, his heirs and
assigns, forever, ----," etc. The conveying land and slaves to a son or
daughter upon arriving of age or when married was the habitual practice
of the more affluent, prosperous or thrifty of the Colonial period.
The place of birth is determined on the premise that Martin Palmer was
evidently of moving hi s family when he offered, "To be Lett the
Plantation whereon the Subscriber now liveth in King William County,
very commodious---", etc., in the VIRGINIA GAZETTE of May 30, 1751;
and, al so, because the lists of Tithes of Lunenburg County, taken in
1764, reveal that the said Martin Palmer had been in Cornwall Parish
sufficient time to be paying tax on land and Tithes. This parish soon
lay in the new formed Charlotte County, cut-off from Lunenburg,
1764-65, the deeds of which through 1770, show that this family lived
on Twitty's Creek within the proximity of present day Drakes Branch.
Chillian Palmer m. Mary Pettus, the daughter of John Pettus, Sr.,
(d.1781) and Sarah, his wife, (d. 1798), of Lunenburg. The date of
marriage was prior to June 12, 1781, when the said John Pettus by deed
of Gift gave to his son-in-law and daughter 315 acres of land on Little
Roanoke River in Charlotte County. Here on this estate, where some, if
not all, of the several sons and daughters were born, lived the family
for many years. Chillion continued to pay tax on the 315 acres until
1804, but in1798, he had purchased and moved to plantation with mill on
Turnip Creek, adjoining the lands of his brother, Luke Palmer, who had
removed from Cub Creek in 1793, to this district near the County Line
between Charlotte and Campbell.
In 1809 Chillian again moved his family, this time to Halifax County
within the Antrim Paris h and to a more opulent plantation with 210
acres on the Dan River and 610 acres on Lawson's Creek. He died at this
plantation on the Dan River, near the present South Boston, soon after
writing his will February 3, 1816. Mary Pettus Palmer outlived her
husband about sixteen years. Their children as named in their fathers
will were: Thomas, Luke, Nancy, Martin, Dabney, Stephen, Daniel, Sally,
Rebecca, and Isaac Palmer.
i. STEPHEN10 PALMER, b. August 23, 1792, Halifax County, Virginia; d. June 03, 1848, Furman, Wilcox Co. Al.; m. (2) JULIET HARTWELL, 1820.
1 AUTH National DAR 140436 and #50860 SOR
1 AGNC History of Halifax Co., Va, p. 235 by Carrington
1 DEST Wills: Palmer, Stephen, Wilcox County
1 MEDI Wills 2 1832-1850, 306
The Palmer Cemetery
Located 2 miles south of Al Hwy 21, on Wilcox county road 59, in the community of Furman.
George W. Watford Dec. 8, 1886 - April 23, 1945
George M. Watford April 14, 1918 - Feb 15, 1956
Mary E. Watford March 8, 1882 - Dec. 19, 1956
Martha, wife of Louis N. Toone Dec. 22, 1854 - Jan. 2, 1922
Jesse Cox Robbins Jan. 20, 1920 - March 14, 1984
"Robby" Jesse Cox Robbins, Jr. June 21, 1947 - Oct. 25, 1958
Mamie Cox Robbins Oct. 6, 1878 - Feb 18, 1958
Dabney Palmer Robbins Aug. 20 1875 - Dec. 9, 1961
Vesta Cox McPhail July 5, 1876 - April 17, 1935
William J. McPhail May 12, 1874 - April 20, 1929
Julius George Cox Dec. 25, 1849 - Jan 24, 1924
Zeb Hearst Cox May 14, 1894 - Feb. 2, 1954
Julius Jesse Cox June 21, 1889 - Dec. 2, 1918
Robert H. Hall May 19, 1855 - Aug. 24, 1916
Ida Hall April 24, 1860 - Nov 12. 1907
Frances Cox Jan 28, 1905 - Sept.12, 1906
James William Cox, MD Feb 20, 1874 - April 7, 1943
Sarah Carter Wife of Maj. A.C. Greene 1834 - 1919
W.P. Carter Feb. 10, 1829 - Jan. 2, 1901
Cunningham, John P. June 2, 1905 - May 5, 1992
Cunningham, Mildred March 14, 1906 - May 1, 1996
Cunningham, Eli Lawrence Nov. 24, 1867 - Sept. 28, 1946
Cunningham, Frances P. Nov. 11, 1869 - July 16, 1951
Edwin Lawrence Cunningham July 10, 1901 - Nov. 23, 1988
Floyd McWhorter Watson son of Floyd M. and Ella Thigpen Watson Nov. 30, 1886 - March 27, 196 2
Ella Thigpen Watson Wife of F. Mack Watson, Sr. Jan 20, 1856 - July 28, 1926
Robert Oscar Watson Son of Floyd M. and Ella Thigpen Watson Oct 6, 1878 - Jan 27, 1958
Lillian Watson Jackson dau. of Robert O. and Lea Watson July 27, 1924 - May 2, 1986
Bowen, Jerome Holt Aug. 28, 1905 - July 31, 1992 Married June 4, 1940
Bowen, Margaret Ula Purefoy Oct. 22, 1911 - May 27, 1985
Jesse Hartwell Watson 1863 - 1945
Annie Gulley Watson 1880 - 1962
Gladys Watson Knight 1904 - 1990
Malcolm Leigh Knight Jan. 22, 1901 - Oct. 14, 1969
Gene Williams Moorer Oct 10, 1915 - Dec. 7, 1962
Minnie Watson Williams Sept. 16, 1890 - March 9, 1970
John S. Williams Jan. 19, 1890 - July 23, 1956
John Floyd Watson Dec. 9, 1888 - March 7, 1920
Allie Bradley Watson 1908- 1940
2 unmarked infants
Louis Lovard Lee Oct. 16, 1827 - Dec. 7, 1904
Annie Nash Lee Jan. 31, 1836 - Jan. 5, 1903
Merritt, son of J.E. and L.A. Knight July 21, 1896 - June 22, 1917
Louise A. Knight, wife of Jno. E. Knight June 14, 1860 - May 3, 1918
John Edwin Knight May 1, 1860 - Feb. 9, 1940
Mary M. Watson June 10, 1854 - Oct. 26, 1922
Ula Watson Purefoy Feb 2, 1880 - Feb. 12, 1914
Georgia Robson Fitch, wife of L.B. Fitch Aug. 25, 1883 - Sept. 1, 1904
Lenora Robson Sept. 19, 1876 - Aug. 7, 1891
Henry Polk Robson Jan. 22, 1879 - April 12, 1904
J.K. P. Robson 1843 - 1920
Mrs. Ida Robson Jan 5, 1852 - June 8, 1925
Guy Carlton Robson Sept. 12, 1874 - Feb. 4, 1945
John Knox Polk Robson, Jr. Aug. 28, 1872 - Sept. 6, 1945
John Calhoun Williams, born Allenton, AL July 8, 1845 Died Furman, Al Aug. 20, 1910
Fronie Albritton, wife of J.C. Williams May 5, 1853 - April 1, 1928
Willie Gay Williams Nov. 18, 1892 - Oct. 31, 1960
Annie Lee Streit June 22, 1886 - July 2, 1961
Fred R. Strickland May 15, 1916 - May 18, 1937
Ezra Strickland Nov. 10, 1888 - Nov. 10, 1968
Unmarked adult
Lovie Strickland March 27, 1894 - Nov. 7, 1924
Betty Steadman 1864 - 1918
Willie S. Smyly 1862 - 1917
William C. Smyly 1864 - 1916
Infant daughter of B.W. and L.C. Watson Feb, 18, 1888 - Feb. 18, 1888
Infant son of Rev. and Mrs. W.C. Curry
John Marcellus Granberry May 1833 - Oct. 1901
James L., son of Wm. and M.M. Watson Nov. 8, 1876 - April 1, 1900
James Watson, infant son of Robert P. And Margaret Ula Purefoy Sept 21, 1902 - May 17, 1903
Infant son of P.W. and C.J. Jackson May 31, 1886 - June 5, 1886
Wiltie J., wife of D.W. Watson April 17, 1869 - April 5, 1898
David Wardlaw Watson April 17, 1859 - April 30, 1920
3 unmarked
Ettie W., wife of J.E. Crook April 5, 1866 - Sept. 16, 1887
Allie Bradley Crook Gulley April 18, 1858 - Sept. 8, 1950 wife of John Jay Gulley, daughter o f Osborne and Mary Crook
John Jay Gulley, son of John and Mary Ann McConchide Gulley June 6, 1854 - Jan 12, 1894
Mary P. Crook April 28, 1837 - Nov. 11, 1895
Thomas Edwin Watson Jan. 28, 1857 - Sept. 3, 1916
Mary Patton McConchide 1878- 1952
Marvin Jay McConchide 1881 - 1950
Elizabeth Catherine Bradley McConchide, second wife of Jay 1843- 1918
Jay A. McConchide March 18, 1835 - Jan. 3, 1917
Infant son of Claude and Jule Hardy Feb. 27, 1894
Emma Pollard Robbins Oct. 9, 1885 - May 16, 1912 And Son Hartwell April 12, 1910 - May 14, 19 12
Sacred to the memory of Martha A. Palmer, wife of Dabney Palmer and daughter of T.W. and S.J . Simpson June 8, 1840 - Nov. 1, 1867
Sallie McKee, wife of J.B. Robbins Jan. 24, 1853 - May 4, 1920
John P. Robbins July 21, 1850 - May 30, 1889
Cleveland Robbins July 2, 1873 - Jan. 31, 1894
Jane, wife of J.D. Robbins Aug. 21, 1875 - May 25, 18??
Edmund Purifoy Robbins, son of J.D. and Mary Purifoy Robbins Nov.1, 1913 - Feb. 16, 1917
John Daniel Robbins May 5, 1873 - April 10, 1938
Mary Ed Purifoy Robbins Aug. 28, 1890 - Jan. 31, 1987
Evelina McKee Dec. 22, 1825 - Dec. 6, 1869
J.P. McKee Oct. 18, 1824 - Oct. 11, 1869
Infant daughter of J.B. and S.E. McKee July 12, 1893
Sallie Walton McKee, wife of J.B. McKee Jan 12, 1859 - Aug. 2, 1900
John B. McKee Nov. 22, 1855 - May 25, 1942
John Harris McKee June 19, 1894 - May 25, 1911
Hugh Samuel McKee Nov. 11, 1898 - May 21, 1929
Thomas B. McKee Jan. 6, 1880 - March 25, 1943
Godwin, Henry C. Dec. 23, 1902 - Nov. 28, 1941
William Wallace 1865- 1890
Clementine W. Bolton 1856- 1908
John L. Bolton 1849 - 1939
Turberville, Lyston A. "Doc" June 16, 1910 -April 11, 1981
Turberville, Minnie Kraker June 14, 1912 - April 24, 1980
Ella K. Streit "Sissy" Dec. 1, 1909 - March 15, 1986
J.J Gulley June 6, 1854 - Jan. 12, 1852
Perle Knight July 4, 1896 - May 27, 1964
Levens, William Wiley 1882 - 1957 Levens, Emma Tulu 1892 - 1957
Knight, Napoleon O. 1856 - 1941 Knight, Margaret Lucy 1861 - 1939
Jesse Hubbard, son of N.O. and M.L. Knight Oct. 22, 1894 - July 28, 1920
Margaret Leah, daughter of N.O. and M.L. Knight Dec. 22, 18980 - Sept. 9, 1900
Lewis Ernest, son of N.O. and M.L. Knight Feb 10, 1890 - Oct. 5, 1890
Conrad Wayne, son of N.O. and M.L. Knight Nov. 19, 1888 - Oct. 4, 1889
Pattie Lee, daughter of N.O. and M.L. Knight Sept. 4, 1887 - May 5, 1888
Laura Gulley, daughter of N.O. and M.L. Knight Oct. 18, 1884 - Dec. 30, 1886
Ida Regena, daughter of N.O. and M.L. Knight March 20, 1891 - Aug. 15, 1892
Nannie P.D. Gulley, wife of J.B. Watson Oct. 18, 1857 - June 2, 1899
Joseph B., son of J.B and N.P.D. Watson July 2, 1894 - June 3, 1895
Infant son of J.B. and N.P.D. Watson
John Baptist Watson, Jr. Oct. 26, 1906 - Aug. 26, 1907
John Baptist Watson May 4, 1858 - May 26, 1929
Laura Walthall Watson Nov. 18, 1878 - June 15, 1944
Watson Plot - enclosed
William Bradley Palmer, MD March 1, 1858 - March 1, 1943
William Palmer Aug. 23, 1831 - April 7, 1912
Mrs. R.A. Palmer April 1, 1839 - June 10, 1870
Idelle Palmer Jan. 9, 1862 - Aug. 4, 1867
Zitella Palmer Jan. 9, 1862 - Jan. 18, 1864
John Palmer, son of Stephen and Juliet Palmer Nov. 14, 1822 - July 31, 1872
Juliet A. Palmer, daughter of Stephen and Juliet Palmer March 25, 1829
M. Juliet Palmer, consort of Stephen Palmer Dec. 15, 1797 - Oct. 25, 1850
Stephen Palmer Aug. 23, 1792 - June 3, 1848
Stephen Palmer, Jr., son of Stephen and Juliet Palmer Dec. 23, 1883 - Nov. 17, 1834
Watson, Luther Boardman Dec. 18, 1860 - Feb. 22, 1941 Parents - Floyd and Margaret McWhorter Watson, Grandparents - McWhorterand Polly Wardlaw McWhorter
Watson, Mary Gulley Dec. 1, 1878 - Nov. 20, 1939 Parents -John J. And Allie Crook Gulley, Grandparents - Osborne and Mary Bradley Crook, John and Mary Ann McConchide Gulley
end of Watson enclosure
Annie, daughter of J.F. and A. Reagin Dec. 27, 1889 - April 20, 1890
Annie, wife of J.F. Reagin Jan. 16, 1869 - Jan. 9, 1890
Robert Streit AL PFC, 419 SVC Park Unit MTC, WWI April 14, 1893 - Oct. 15, 1956
Robert Streit " Bobby" 1932 - 1946
Charlie, son of John and Ella Streit Sept. 8, 1891 - Oct. 21, 1892
William Ptomey 1876 - 1897
John Streit 1836 - 1897
Ella Streit 1855 - 1930
Jack Streit AL PVT Co. E, 324 Inf. 81 Div. WWI May 5, 1887 - July 13, 1957
Maydell Streit 1910 -1977
Edgar Reagan Streit April 20, 1890 - Dec. 2, 1975
Ardith Alice Streit Feb. 16, 1913 - Jan. 16, 1959
Alice Rught Corby Streit Sept. 9, 1900 - July 30, 1982
Jimmie Lee Streit Jones Feb. 11, 1921 - Dec. 12, 1990
Robert M. Jones Sept. 24, 1913 - Sept. 30, 1991
W.G. "Bill" McGutchen 1899 - 1965
David H. Griffin, Jr. 1908 - 1933
Mary H. Griffin 1886 - 1966
David H. Griffin, Sr. 1866 - 1931
Sarah E. Hughes 1857 - 1905
John R. Hughes 1849 - 1910
Thomas Hughes "Uncle Tom" Feb. 14, 1888 - Aug. 28, 1968
George B. Hughes PVT 911 Training GP AAF, WWII Oct. 10, 1900 - June 9, 1971
Gary Allen, son of Thomas and Harriet Arant July 1957 - Feb. 1958
William Turner Pryor 1870 - 1952
Margaret Eloise Pryor Schmitt Feb. 26, 1922 - Nov. 10, 1996
Opie Read Pryor 1897- 1963
Harriet, wife of George Merkle Jan. 7, 1812 - Nov. 25, 1884
Irene Crow Sept. 13, 1820 - July 7, 1892
Rinda Matchett 1864 - 1934
George A. Barge June 12, 1824 - Oct. 5, 1911
Mary Ann, wife of GA Barge Dec. 22, 1824 - March 30, 1886
Childs, half brother of GA Barge
Mary Ella, wife of L.C. Godwin Oct. 18, 1873 - July 14, 1903
Amanda Barge Knight Aug. 26, 1850 - Sept. 16, 1941
Ella G. Burson, wife of Elkanah Burson July 23, 1848 - July 11, 1930
Elkanah Burson Jan. 23, 1832 - Feb. 11, 1915
Mary E. Burson April 10, 1880 - June 21, 1951
Elkanah George Burson, MD April 7, 1882 - April 25, 1970
Elizabeth J. Knight, wife of Elkanah Burson Aug. 27, 1883 - July 16, 1969
Prudie Gafford Grant May 25, 1903 - Nov. 23, 1986
Isaac Floyd Grant May 7, 1905 - Nov. 11, 1997
Maness, Faye G. Aug. 5, 1933 - March 27, 1997
Estes, Ariel D. May 29, 1899 - May 25, 1981
Estes, Pearlene D. March 1, 1907 - May 31, 1974
Underwood, George Andrews Jan 17, 1868 - Nov. 14, 1935
Molder, Clare Burson Underwood Feb. 3, 1886 - June 28, 1933
Tucker, Elliece Burson Williams April 7, 1915 - Jan. 27, 1994
Claude Burson Willams, Jr. March 9, 1964 - Nov. 19, 1996
Fuller, William Perry US Army WWII Feb. 21, 1907 - June 30, 1992
Cecil Henry Shanks US Army Nov. 1, 1913 - July 17, 1987
Boley, John Ivan Sept. 25, 1892 - Oct. 7, 1968
Boley, Bernice Rayborn Dec. 22, 1896 - Jan 16, 1963
Jacob Barnes March 25, 1842 - 1920
G.B. Alexander died May 17, 1907, aged about 75 years
M.L. Alexander Oct. 26 , 1826 - July 24, 1896
Infant son of G.G. and Mary Luckie June 1, 1898
Emanuel, son of J.J and N.E. Griffin Aug. 12, 1889 - Oct. 27, 1889
Jerry, son of J.J and N.E. Griffin July 4, 1874 - July 5, 1890
Warren, son of J.J and N.E. Griffin Oct. 12, 1891 - Nov. 12, 1891
Louise Barlow Weitzel Sept. 8, 1918 - April 12, 1988
Ruth Chapman May 13, 1913 - July 26, 1994
Richard Chapman SSG US Army, WWII March 6, 1907 - Oct. 13, 1977
Barlow, Robert Louis March 5, 1911 - Jan. 25, 1973
Powell, Graham Vivian Aug. 26, 1895 - Sept. 17, 1964
Powell, Eva Jane Bailey Oct. 5, 1896 - Sept. 17, 1964
Leonard Bailey Powell March 16, 1935 - March 8, 1941
Infant daughter Powell Feb. 22, 1928 - Feb. 23, 1928
Florence Twombley, wife of James G. Walthall Jan. 2, 1838 - Oct. 27, 1924
Hubert Winston Barlow Jan 11, 1915 - Oct. 17, 1938
Alice Walthall Barlow Jan 22, 1882 - July 17, 1937
Emmett Barlow Sept. 6, 1878 - Feb. 6, 1937
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Wilcox County Alabama
"In the name of God, Amen.
I, STEPHEN PALMER, of the State of Alabama in the County of Wilcox being sick and feeble in body but of sound disposing mind and memory reflecting on the uncertainty of my existence an d desirous of arranging my temporal affairs do make ordain and establish this as my last will and testament.
Viz, In the first place, I commend my soul unto Almighty God who gave it, and my body to the Earth to (be) buried in a decent Christian-like manner.
As respects my substance, I devise and bequeath the same in manner and form following--
To my beloved wife JULIET PALMER, I will and bequeath my present residence including forty acres of land about the same together, with one-third part of all my other property both real and personal of whatsoever kind beside my two Negro women JINCY and LETHY which is not to be taken into the account of one-third as above-stated to have and to hold in her own right and under her own control during her natural life or widowhood but in the event of either to return back as my common property and be divided among my heirs at Law as herein after provided . I will and bequeath unto my son JOHN PALMER the Sum of five dollars to be paid him by my executors. (My reason for making this bequest is that I consider he has been undutiful to me a s a son and has damaged me considerably by his conduct, but desire and request after all my ot her children has received the sum of Four Thousand Dollars each he may receive an equal share in the remaining balance to be divided among them.)
I will and bequeath unto my daughter EVALINE McKEE one Negro woman by the name of FIBBY and h er two children SUSAN and HENRIETTA (?) (actually looks like Heneritta) and their future incr ease nevertheless at a division of my property among my heirs at Law to be returned and appra ised without any increase which subsequently occur with them.
My will and request is that my children of the following names share equally in my estate. Vi z, EVELINE McKEE, MARTHA PALMER, CATHERINE PALMER, WILLIAM PALMER, JULIA ANN PALMER and DABNE Y PALMER, and that all my property remain in common together until my daughters marry and my sons become of the age of Twenty-one years and I desire that all of my landed property be s old on my youngest son becoming of the age of twenty-one years and not before, and divided a s herein before mentioned.
My desire is that after my decease, a Negro boy by the name of PATRICK may be sold on a credit of twelve months and the proceeds converted to the benefit of my estate by my executors.
My will and request that the property of my afflicted (?) daughter Julia Ann Palmer (Subject to be and remain with her mother during her natural life and should she survive her mother then my son-at-law JOHN McKEE to take charge of her person and property during her life o r intermarriage but should she die without issue then her property to be equally divided among my heirs at Law.
And lastly, I do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint my son-at-Law JOHN McKEE my true an d lawful Executor of this my last will and testament.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 16th Day of May i n the year of our Lord One Thousand eight-hundred and forty-eight.
Signed, sealed and acknowledged."
Stephen Palmer (seal)
In Presence of:
David McWhorterWilliam M. WatsonWatkins Salter
"This codicil added to this my last will and testament this 29th Day of May 1848. My desire and request that my friend Watkins Salter act as co-executor with my son at Law John McKee. An d, I do by this addition thereto nominate, constitute and appoint him as such.
In testimony where of I hereunto set my hand and affix my seal the day and year above written ."
Stephen Palmer
iv. L. PALMER, b. Halifax County, Virginia; m. NANCY RAGLAND.